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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Caleb on September 25, 2006, 09:29 PM NHFT
I gotta agree with Incrementalist on this one.  Doing what's right is ineffective.  Look at that Jesus character.  He went around doing what was right, and look what it got him:  a brutal beating and a death on a cross.
Any other fairy tales you want to use to make your point?

But that Hitler guy ... he thought with his head.  And all you have to do is sell your soul to do it.  Sounds like a win/win proposition to me.  ::)
Hitler was evil because of the ends he pursued, and by virtue of that the means he went about to produce them.  Thinking with your head has no relation to "selling your soul".

And contrary to your point, Hitler failed strategically because he wasn't planning well.


Although I ALMOST smote Dennis for agreeing with you.  :-*

Kat Kanning

John, THANK YOU SO MUCH for going down there today.  I know how upset Jim is, and how you're being there must have been a comfort to him.


Denis, I agree with you.  Lauren's actions have had some impact, but the impact is negligable.  Perhaps you seeing Fisher in action prompted you to move, but you had already started following porcupines in-state.  You were already looking for it.  Maybe Lauren's actions will cause one or two porcs on the fence to swing to her side.  But there are more cost effective ways to do this.

Pat K

Maybe Lauran feels she could not live with herself if she does not fight this out.

What price that?


QuoteAny other fairy tales you want to use to make your point?

That statement explains your ideology far better than anything else you could have said.

QuoteHitler was evil because of the ends he pursued, and by virtue of that the means he went about to produce them.  Thinking with your head has no relation to "selling your soul".

Except that your point is specifically that we should avoid doing what we know is right if we find that the right thing to do is politically inexpedient.  That's what I call "selling your soul".

You want to know what's funny, Incrementalist?  What's funny is that what's "right" usually also ends up being the most pragmatic thing to do.  One thing I'm finding to be true is that even people who disagree with you politically will RESPECT AND LIKE you if you do what is right.

Meanwhile, I'm also learning that those who work with someone because it's pragmatic, also tend to hate their guts. 

The moral of the story, if you want to win friends and influence people, do what's right.

Or better yet, just do what's right regardless, and likely you will also win friends and influence people.


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT
there are more cost effective ways to do this.
Here's the crux -- only LAUREN can decide what the cost is. She's the one doing the paying.


I've been on here almost an hour, and I will reply tomorrow to all posts since my last post and whatever new posts have come in.  Sorry if you're all just starting to hit your stride, but there's one of me and many of you.


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT
But there are more cost effective ways to do this.
Please start a new thread and/or post on FSP forum.

Dave Ridley

anyone got a phone n umber for the york correctional institution housing her?

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Lauren Canario is a great freedom fighter.


Somehow Calebs's video of Lauren's arrest got flagged as inappropriate on youtube, which means you need an account to view it.  That sucks and will reduce link propagation.  Is it on google video? I didn't come up with anything on a search.  Of course, it could have been the volume and that loud beep at the beginning rather than the content that made people flag it thus . . .


Gov't is strong, well financed, has lots of guns, and generally the popular support. 
But inherent in gov'ts strength, is a weakness, a weakness that is a part of who gov't is.
That weakness is that all actions of gov't first strike agression create Victims.  This automatically fuels opposition to gov't. 
The problem is most at any given time support the actions of gov't, in part because they think they benifit, in part because they don't see the harm being done to the victim. 
Planned civil disobiediance gives us a chance to influence attention onto a wrong being commited by gov't.  I agree due to the high cost, strategy and thought should be put into the plan.  But it is the only time a small group of people, with very limited funds, and volunteers can influence the public attention for even a moment. 
I strongly admire the volunteers in this movement.  You are doing the right thing.  Injustice must be challenged.  Since clearly it cannot be done with any other method, it must be done illiegally. 
As Dr. King rightfully stated "justice delayed is justice denied". 
Property, both fixed and movable is what allows civilization to build upon itself towards progress.  I have tremendous respect for Lauren and Jim for their long struggle, in a way that my words and admiration cannot properly convey. 
Thank you.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 25, 2006, 09:57 PM NHFT
   (860) 691-6700

I just called and was told, "I would not have that information until tomorrow" to each question I asked about Lauren.  He would not even acknowledge she was there.  Apparently the place closes at night!  Oh well, I guess bureaucrats need their sleep. :homework: