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Started by lildog, September 22, 2006, 10:26 AM NHFT

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The Russell thread about a squirt gun attack on the IRS has me thinking? in order to accomplish something you need to get people to support what you?re doing.

I can tell you right now, those of you who want ZERO government? you?re better off looking to chip in together and buying an island because it?s never going to happen.

If you ask American?s if they want no government at all, you?ll find VERY few if any saying yes.  And I?d be willing to guess that even those in the free state project who would make up the most extreme of the extreme would even be fairly split on this.  Heck even on this forum who are the most extreme of the free staters (the extreme of the extreme of the extreme) would even be fairly split on this, I?d be willing to guess.

But on the other hand, if you asked who would want LESS government in their lives you?ll get an overwhelming majority of everyone in the general population.  So unless you?re going to go get an island to live out something you?ll never see accomplished here, you need to work within the boundaries of reality.  Work on pushing for less government, which you?ll find you get the support from the majority on.

So I was thinking as a way to plant this seed, start polls on any forums you can find asking the question of how much government do you want in your lives:
Less then we have now
What we have now is fine
We need more as long as it?s in the areas I agree with
We need more government any way we can get it

I?m willing to put money on the fact that most people would pick less then we have now.

The next step is to start the conversation of what parts of the government is unnecessary and how to go about actually eliminating it.  Once you plant that thought in people?s head and get them actually discussing eliminating things, sit back and watch the plant of freedom grow.