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The Line In The Sand - A Novel

Started by AlanM, September 25, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT

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Hi there. For anyone who is interested, I have started writing a book which I tenatively title, The Line In The Sand
I have begun posting it at the Claire Files, in the Writer's Block section. I would love to hear what folks think of it.



Pat K


Good luck Alan.  I'll have to read what you've writen so far when I get some quite time later this afternoon.

Can you give a quick run down on it?  Is it comedy, sci fi, horror, drama, romance?


Quote from: lildog on September 26, 2006, 08:56 AM NHFT
Good luck Alan.  I'll have to read what you've writen so far when I get some quite time later this afternoon.

Can you give a quick run down on it?  Is it comedy, sci fi, horror, drama, romance?

It's a drama about the next Revolution, set in NH.


It's good, Alan. Do you really want it out there?



Quote from: AlanM on September 25, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT
Hi there. For anyone who is interested, I have started writing a book which I tenatively title, The Line In The Sand
I have begun posting it at the Claire Files, in the Writer's Block section. I would love to hear what folks think of it.



Alan, read about your trouble with typing and suggest you record it on a small tape recorder by voice! They are not expensive. And then have someone else type it (like your girlfriend?) at their leisure. That would save your fingers lots!


Quote from: CNHT on September 26, 2006, 01:41 PM NHFT
Alan, read about your trouble with typing and suggest you record it on a small tape recorder by voice! They are not expensive. And then have someone else type it (like your girlfriend?) at their leisure. That would save your fingers lots!

There are also applications such as Dragon Speak Naturally that allow you to talk into your computer and it records your words in text format.  It works fairly well with Word and the more you use it and correct it's mistakes the more acurate it gets.


Thanks for the comments and ideas.

Cathleen: I doubt I will put it all out there. I will be publishing it down the road.

LilDog: I knew a fellow who had one of those type of programs. He spent months getting it to work reasonably well. Perhaps the new versions are better, but they do cost a lot.

Jane: My ex-girlfriend doesn't type well either.

Michael Fisher

Good idea putting that online Alan. Have you thought of creating a collaborative novel? It's a strange idea, I know. ;)

Typing up transcripts is actually very difficult and time-consuming.  :o I've done this for Bush speeches before and it takes forever.


I have done some transcribing as well. I visited my mother once and recorded three days worth of verbal family history along with photos and descriptions of her "treasures". As there were no other relatives, it was invaluable to me. It took weeks to transcribe and have her edit it for me.

Yes, Alan, don't put any more than a teaser out there.



Quote from: AlanM on September 26, 2006, 10:25 PM NHFT
Thanks for the comments and ideas.

Cathleen: I doubt I will put it all out there. I will be publishing it down the road.

LilDog: I knew a fellow who had one of those type of programs. He spent months getting it to work reasonably well. Perhaps the new versions are better, but they do cost a lot.

Jane: My ex-girlfriend doesn't type well either.

Well if you can find someone to type it up, you can put it into PDF files and then offer it for sale as a download.
I just had a friend publish one of his books and another is coming. Up to now the stories were on his website as PDF files.


I use the typing in process to make edits and changes. As I write the story, I sometimes will change things a little knowing I will have to back-track and make the adjustments.


Will there be more? Or have we been teased enough? Have you an editor? A few things jumped out at me. I know one, but I don't know what he charges.



Quote from: cathleeninnh on October 25, 2006, 09:49 AM NHFT
Will there be more? Or have we been teased enough? Have you an editor? A few things jumped out at me. I know one, but I don't know what he charges.


I'm doing some rewriting. I saw a few things I didn't like, which of course changed some other things........
I'll post a little more when I'm through making changes.