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Foretaste of NAIS?

Started by AlanM, September 28, 2006, 11:06 AM NHFT

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This appeared on Clare Wolfe's forum. It makes me sick to think what the Gov will, and can, do.

Little bit farm posted this at HT here in self reliance/freedom thought you all would be interested scroll down to the post by her atten joel future under NAIS   http://www.homesteadingtoday.com/forumdisplay.php?f=11

I received this in my e-mail yesterday. Here is what ya'll can look forward to folks!!!

"Subject:RE: Hello from Dick in Virginia
Date:Sat, 23 Sep 2006 2:44 PM

Dear Dick and Becky,
Thank you for writing. It is pretty horrible.
Sept.12 th we were woken by the Game Warden and my husband was arrested on a Class 2 Misdemeanor and taken in. At the point of him leaving the property, 9 USDA SUV's with 4-wheelers and numerous agents came onto our place with a Quarentine order and began killing our pigs. It is a very long story to "type" but I will try. We own a private hunting preserve that we have had for 16 years. Danny's warrant was for "operating a mammilian hunting enclosure without a permit". We were grandfathered in, since 16 years ago there was no preserve in Virginia. He went through the Commonwealth's Attorney, etc. to get a "status" for what the preserve could be under...Long story short, he did what he was supposed to do. We are not a secret. We have advertised in Woods and Waters magazine, have a web site, www.willisriver.com, and send brochures to interested hunters. My husband is no "fly by night" hunter. He did a show out west called Wild and True and was once 1 in 10 in the Nation for Archery. He knows his stuff and our place is beautiful. WAS.

Since Sept. 12, the place has been under 24 hour armed guard for the USDA under the State Vet (from what we can figure out...no one will tell us anything) has been eradicating our herd. It has been horrible. They shot as many as they could and then went to starving and trapping them. I have to close my windows at night to not hear the sounds. The worst thing for us personally, was that they killed our two pet pigs. These two were on a seperate part of our property, it is even a seperately deeded piece. The pigs were in their own pen. They were not tested, but shot and drug out with chains into our driveway. They left the drag marks and blood for us to see. I raised these two from 3 days old. I bottle fed them and kept them in the house in a crate until winter was over. They were EXACTLY 5 1/2 years old the day they were shot. They were sweet and would follow us around and loved to be scratched. That was the point I finally broke down. This was the 3rd day they were here.

The "reason" they gave for the eradication was that an agent had hunted here in May and that the pig had probable pseudo rabies. The same agent came back on Sept. 9 to hunt and supposidly, that pig had tested positive. We have seen no reports, no tests, nothing. They went to work killing our animals. We were not allowed in the "compound" (their words, not ours), by armed guard, could not run our own tests (because we do not believe them), and they brought in stock trailers on a regular schedule to take the dead pigs somewhere to be incenerated. THEY said our pigs were diseased, THEY shot our pigs, THEY took them away and THEY had them incenerated. Any proof we have to refute them is gone. To this day, we have seen no tests. The State Vet said they could have done things differently...yeah. If our herd had the disease, and it can be treated (it can), why were we just not notified, shown the results and let us treat them? Why the 5:00 am rousing out of bed, arrest, and immediate "de-population" of our animals?
Danny and I feel like drug dealers. My husband is an ex-narcotics undercover agent, and this goes well beyond his experience.

They actually left yesterday, Sept. 22. Not all the pigs were killed (yet) because they daid they were at their wits end on how to go about getting all the piglets. They asked Danny if he would assist by feeding them corn and letting them de-stress so they would go after the corn again...and then he could kill the remaining pigs. He told them yes just to get them off the property for a while. We want to talk to our attorney Monday before we do anything else. The quarentine said they had 15 days to eradicate the herd or Virginia could lose its "pseudo rabies free status". What we find so ironic is that they are having a hard time killing all the little pigs. If our herd had pseudo rabies, why all the little pigs??? Pseudo rabies affects the litters by either being born stillborn, mummified or they abort. Pseudo rabies symptoms are pigs looking malnourished, sluggish, coughing, etc. Our pigs were healthy! They were robust, large, and speedy (just ask the hunters). Our preserve was crawling with healthy, fat, squilling little pigs! danny fed them ground corn blended with vitamins, minerals and something else (I can't remember!). Please feel free to call or come to our home. We would appreciate any support. - Cindi and Danny Henshaw"

Here is their website address:


Talk about an attack on American freedom!!!

Little Bit Farm

Pat K

Hey we live in a free country if you don't like your pigs being killed, why don't you move to Iraq.

Kat Kanning

I saw a bumper sticker like that today...made me feel angry. 

USA: Back it or pack it. :bs:


    USDA has way too much control on agribusiness in this country.  Once I saw a Dodge pickup in our back field.  Who the hell is that?
I took a binoc and saw a gov't plate on it and called the neighbor.  They were inspecting a watershed or something.  What made me mad was they didn't even tell us they were on the property.  This NAIS is bad bad news and we will ALL pay for it.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: AlanM on September 28, 2006, 11:06 AM NHFT
9 USDA SUV's with 4-wheelers and numerous agents came onto our place with a Quarentine order and began killing our pigs.

The next time there's a worldwide plague, more people will die by their own governments, murdering people by the thousands to prevent infections from spreading, than by the plague.

In other words, we're next.

Michael Fisher

Regarding NAIS, we are also next in that respect. First the animals, then us.