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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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I Quit

Started by error, October 11, 2006, 11:45 PM NHFT

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Also if you get the urge to smoke just light up a dollar bill and watch it burn. 


Quote from: error on October 12, 2006, 02:32 PM NHFT
Heh. It's been not quite a day, and I'm already feeling homicidal.

As Blade would say, use it.


Quote from: maineiac on October 17, 2006, 08:54 AM NHFT

This thread reminds me of something I got a big kick out of that happened many moons ago when I was in high school which I'll never forget.

One of my friends decided to quit cigarettes and maintained that the process was relatively painless for him. He told me that whenever he craved a cigarette, he would simply twist up a doob and smoke that instead. Then he opened up the satchel he was lugging around to reveal a pound of herb and a box (case) of ZigZags! 


My brain would be fried!  I would need a bag of munchies and good music. 8)  An old boyfriend of mine used to carry around a big brown bag of weed and the cops were following him one day so he threw his bag in a creek. When the cops got it out and caught up with him they asked him if it was his and he stupidly said yes.  He was a real burnout but lots of fun!
Anyways good luck Error!


Quote from: error on April 03, 2007, 09:43 PM NHFT
You know, I was somewhat surprised by just how MANY people smoke around here. It's everywhere.

And that makes it a lot more difficult, being constantly reminded of smoking and not having any.  I once smoked, and would always relapse.  Then I made a new-year's resolution, went a whole year with no smoking, and STILL relapsed.  It took about two years to totally break it, physically and psychologically.  Now I can be around smokers, drink, have a cigar now and then, and not even think about smoking cigarettes.  Luckily I didn't get lung cancer (that I know of) and I've been not smoking so long, the risk to my health is comparable to someone who never smoked.  It's well worth all the discipline and effort.  Good luck with your efforts. 


I'm (consistently) down to about 1/3 pack per day.  I hardly ever smoke a whole cigarette all in one anymore.

I enjoy occasionally using the patch because it has the added (warned of  ;D ) benefit of causing vivid dreams.  I am surprised that I've never heard reports of people using the patch simply as a recreational drug.  It is VERY nice (to me) to have such vivid dreams!  WARNING: FOR SOME FOLKS VIVID DREAMS ARE NOT ALWAYS SO PLEASANT!

Maybe I'm just lucky / Maybe I just have good "karma?"  But, no dream to me is ever "bad."  Maybe it's a "Zen of Dreaming" [phrase coined here ;) ] sort of thing?

The next tax increase will provide further incentive to cut down even more . . . I'll keep quiting  . . . Each time I practice quiting, I smoke less . . . quiting is good . . .  I had to practice to get where I am, and I'll keep practicing until I get where I should be . . .


My mom, is a teetotaler in everything, or so it seemed.  She once told me she was smoking about 2 packs a day.  She quit years ago.  But said she cannot be around smokers for any length of time or she will light up.  I jokingly call her a smokaholic, and once a smokaholic, always a smokaholic.   ;D


I'm done!  It is over.
No more smoking addiction for me.   :o

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: John on September 14, 2007, 08:40 PM NHFT
I'm done!  It is over.
No more smoking addiction for me.   :o

Great to hear it John.  8)


This addiction is quite powerful.  I keep (even after three weeks with none) thinking about "just one" - or two or three  ;), . . . just for tonight, don't you know . . . one last time. . .

No more, I say.  Not today!


I quit drinking six months ago (erm, give or take; I haven't been perfect).  Thank goodness not a lot of Free Staters drink... or hold social events in a bar... or even incorporate alcohol into daytime political activism events.  A great big sarcastic THANKS to the guy who sat next to me at an MVP meeting so I could smell his beer fumes... at 10:00 in the freakin' morning. :P

It's really hard for me to be around people drinking and enjoying it and try to be satisfied with water.  This is one of the reasons I am not seen as often at Porcupine events.  And skipped the bonfire at PorcFest.  Oh woe is me...  :sad1:  I hope I get used to it eventually.

Actually, it's quite stunning realizing how much of human culture centers around getting f***ed up.  I know as much as anyone it's fun, but it seems sort of sad, too.  Can't we all enjoy life with clear heads?

Wearing my Fugazi shirt.  :tshirt:


Quote from: John on September 14, 2007, 08:40 PM NHFT
I'm done!  It is over.
No more smoking addiction for me.   :o

Go John!   :clap:


Quote from: John on September 14, 2007, 08:40 PM NHFT
I'm done!  It is over.
No more smoking addiction for me.   :o

John, singing will be easier, believe me.


Quote from: Friday on September 14, 2007, 09:01 PM NHFT
I quit drinking six months ago (erm, give or take; I haven't been perfect).

I'm needing to back off on the sugar thing also, so it looks like I'll not be taking so much of the beer (if any) . . . did I mention the evil icecream?

I'm thinking that we will adjust quite well.



Quote from: CNHT on September 14, 2007, 09:24 PM NHFTsinging will be easier, believe me.

Can't hurt.  Can it?


Quote from: John on September 14, 2007, 10:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on September 14, 2007, 09:24 PM NHFTsinging will be easier, believe me.

Can't hurt.  Can it?

John Barleycorn Baez, you are too funny. They used to call me Joan Baez (I actually hated her!).
When all this campaign stuff is over, I'm going to have one big party and we can make lots of noise.
John you gotta go electric, it's a trip.