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I Quit

Started by error, October 11, 2006, 11:45 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on November 12, 2007, 01:21 PM NHFT
Yeah and we'll just grin watching you get jazzed up on caffeine.  ;)
I can quit anytime I want. :blah_by_sarrlas_emotes: :blob6:

Russell Kanning

Quote from: John on November 12, 2007, 01:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 12, 2007, 01:30 PM NHFTI mostly stay away from the stuff the government prohibits ... important not to tangle with "the man"
I am not a number .... I just find it easier to not swim against the current.
:lockstep: :_WeightOfTheWorld__by_Ugghhzi

Lloyd Danforth


I spent 30 days in the slammer about 6 years ago. 30 days was enough time smoke free that I knew I could keep right on going.

Yup . . . right on going . . . till I got out and met the first guy in the bar and traded him a beer for a smoke~!

Got a light? 


Quote from: buzzard on November 26, 2007, 05:00 PM NHFT. . . traded him a beer for a smoke~!

Got a light? 

;) gotta smile with that  8) . . . Thanks for the temptation, really:  Every time I beat that, I can stop "kicking ass" a bit more. 

IT SURE IS NICE NOT HAVING TO KICK ASS ANYMORE  - - - if you know what I mean::)


Oh.  Did I forget to mention that I gave up coke to? . . . Lots of coke!!!

Kat Kanning


About 3 mounts without coke ... and without coco to.  Lots of coco.


Quote from: Friday on September 14, 2007, 09:01 PM NHFT
I quit drinking six months ago (erm, give or take; I haven't been perfect).  Thank goodness not a lot of Free Staters drink... or hold social events in a bar... or even incorporate alcohol into daytime political activism events.  A great big sarcastic THANKS to the guy who sat next to me at an MVP meeting so I could smell his beer fumes... at 10:00 in the freakin' morning. :P

It's really hard for me to be around people drinking and enjoying it and try to be satisfied with water.  This is one of the reasons I am not seen as often at Porcupine events.  And skipped the bonfire at PorcFest.  Oh woe is me...  :sad1:  I hope I get used to it eventually.

Actually, it's quite stunning realizing how much of human culture centers around getting f***ed up.  I know as much as anyone it's fun, but it seems sort of sad, too.  Can't we all enjoy life with clear heads?

Wearing my Fugazi shirt.  :tshirt:

December 25th will be my 5th year anniversary of quitting drinking. . . and I'm going to stop smoking that day . . . I'd say I can't wait but I really can. . .it's going to be so difficult. . . I don't know why it was so much easier to quit drinking than it is to quit smoking butts. .. but even re-reading all of these posts I got so much good info



Dude, I don't know how long you smoked for but, I can tell you that for me the urges come frequently (and often strongly) but the urges don't last long . . . Don't let the urges piss you off - anger weekens people.

You can do it if you don't try!  Just let it go.


Congratulations & good luck!

Pat McCotter

No cigarettes since January 10, 2000!


Quote from: Pat McCotter on December 06, 2007, 08:07 PM NHFT
No cigarettes since January 10, 2000!

That's great! ;D  I wish I would finally make up my mind and just be done with them.  I have hypnosis cds that I've listened to constantly and they didn't help at all. :-\  I have the Allen Carr book that helped one time for a few weeks though. 


Quote from: Pat McCotter on December 06, 2007, 08:07 PM NHFT
No cigarettes since January 10, 2000!

Thumbs up Pat.  In 000 did you try, or did you just finally let it go?
I tried and tried again, for years --- then I stopped trying in 007 . . . now I just don't smoke anymore.


Quote from: John on November 28, 2007, 11:30 AM NHFT
About 3 mounts without coke ... and without coco to.  Lots of coco.
:o :o :o
That is horrible.   >:D
Nothing better than fried chicken, mash and gravy, and a coke.  Some really good lo mein and chinese chicken is close though. 
To be honest, for someone who didn't use to get headaches hardly at all, I suddenly seem to be having them much more frequently now that I drink more coke.  Good luck John, sorry about the tease.   :blush: