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I Quit

Started by error, October 11, 2006, 11:45 PM NHFT

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I got a little habit of my own, I got in the service,
chewing tabacco, but i can quit any time i want  ;D


Congratulations, Error!


Lloyd Danforth

Next month makes 35 years since I quit smoking......tobacco

Kat Kanning




It's been 18 months now for me. I don't even miss it (much) and I feel a whole lot better.


Heh. It's been not quite a day, and I'm already feeling homicidal. I think I'm going to just lock myself away for a week :)


Quote from: error on October 12, 2006, 02:32 PM NHFT
Heh. It's been not quite a day, and I'm already feeling homicidal. I think I'm going to just lock myself away for a week :)

hey error I quit in 1980 and still homicidal....it comes in handy though!


Quote from: error on October 12, 2006, 02:32 PM NHFT
Heh. It's been not quite a day, and I'm already feeling homicidal. I think I'm going to just lock myself away for a week :)

I'm on week number... three?  Furiously chewing gum all day, still.

Three days and the worst is over, hang in there.


Over? My mother cried for a year when she quit. She said she was grieving.




When you feel discouraged, just think of how many tax dollars that you're not paying on the packs of cigarettes that you're not smoking.


Quote from: Spencer on October 13, 2006, 12:30 AM NHFT
When you feel discouraged, just think of how many tax dollars that you're not paying on the packs of cigarettes that you're not smoking.

Very good point...I'd never even thought of that. :)


think of the chirldren