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Visiting New Hampshire Oct. 17-18

Started by glennj, October 12, 2006, 06:56 PM NHFT

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My wife and I are flying into Manchester on Oct. 17.  We are going to spend a couple days looking at property and stuff and would like to meet with someone even just for coffee or something.  We plan on joining FSP, but I think its important for her to feel comfortable.  If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

Kat Kanning

If you visit Keene, give us a call and we can get together with you. 

Kat or Russell 603-357-2049


We are closer to Manchester and are available on the 17th in the evening. We could meet for coffee or something after 7pm.



Hey Glenn, glad to see you connected to NHFree!  ;D
Unfortunately Oct 17-18 I have to be out-of-state... returning *briefly* to the People's State of California on business.
I hope you get to meet plenty of Porcs while in Manchester... at least 3 that are running for State Rep in Manchester alone!

Kat Kanning

I think meeting Don and Cathleen would be a great way for your wife to feel "comfortable".  They're really nice people.


Kat Kanning

See...she's got that apple pie, gee-aw-shucks thing going.   :D

Pat K

Their so cute together you could just puke. :)

Lloyd Danforth

I couldn't have stated it more eliquently............well........actually I could, but, I'm too old to get belly bopped.

Kat Kanning

Oh come on Lloyd...you're never too old.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 13, 2006, 10:29 AM NHFT
I think meeting Don and Cathleen would be a great way for your wife to feel "comfortable". 

It's also a great way to feel "tall".  ;D

But yeah, they are really nice people. They were the first to welcome us to ShortyFest. Genuinely warm folks.


Quote from: KBCraig on October 14, 2006, 01:27 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 13, 2006, 10:29 AM NHFT
I think meeting Don and Cathleen would be a great way for your wife to feel "comfortable". 

It's also a great way to feel "tall".  ;D

If that's what you need, Kev, I'm glad it helps.




We had a nice visit with Glenn and his wife. Too bad the weather isn't going to be nicer for their visit.
I hope they decide to move to NH. They would fit right in.



Hooray for GlennJ and Mrs. GlennJ, for making the trip.

I know they'll love it in NH (apologies for the former "welcome sign" reference).
