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New Pilgrim Chronicles

Started by bwisok, October 16, 2006, 02:08 PM NHFT

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As an early mover to the Free State of New Hampshire, I've been honored to have been able to write a series of journals, which were originally posted on the FSP site in raw form.  Then upon encouragement, and also to recount some major successes we're having here, I've made the journals into a short, readable, relevant book that hopefully articulates a vision of our common fabulous future of freedom.  http://www.lulu.com/content/332974

In the book, I try to give a fair and balanced understanding of the broad coalition of real people who are making a difference, from Russell and Lauren to Don and Keith and Matt and Joel... and the list is virtually endless.  My book is at best a living snapshot, but I feel it is important to bring it out to the culture at large and hopefully create a maelstrom of interest to supercharge the system, break through the many barriers of mind and body.  These are exciting times, and I want to see them widely publicized.

Read the book some have called "a stunning combination of Common Sense and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance."  I must say being in the Free State and seeing all these victories over statist forces is more fun than when the pigs ate grandpa.  I hope everyone can take part in the Freedom Portal experience, either directly or vicariously.  "This time our side will win."  -- Victor Lazlo, leaving Casablanca

Brian Wright


Lloyd Danforth

I bought a copy at Porcfest.  It was a good read.

Fluff and Stuff

I also bought a copy at Porcfest.  How is this copy different from the Porcfest copy?


I met Brian at Porcfest, but I didn't know he was selling a book. But then, we were doing other stuff during the big vendor day.


Fluff and Stuff

He is a really nice guy.  He drove 3 of us to the Liberty Dinner during Porcfest 2005.  The drive was quick and he didn't want any money to help cover gas.  He talks about that in the book :)


Hey, thanks for the nice-guy attribution.  You guys were good company, and made the long trip tolerable after that long, rambling speech by Ron Paul--not that it wasn't a good speech--and I might have fallen asleep on the road and never finished my book.

The book is quite an expansion and gives a view on the Freedom Portal, as well as the Free State and the freedom movement in general, from what I've been taking to call the RCMP (reason-choice-market-peace) perspective.  And yes, it is an Audi.  I'm trying to get Audi of Nashua to get me a complimentary S4 for all the publicity this fine automobile is going to get hereby.

Watch Keith Olberman tonight on MSNBC Countdown, statement regarding the abolition of the Constitution by the Congress and the President yesterday via the Military Commissions Act of 2006.



I just bought a copy online.  Downloadable version.  Sorry, I didn't want to wait for it to show up in the mail!   Here is some applause!
