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My blog while I'm in school.

Started by Michael Fisher, October 20, 2006, 02:34 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Lloyd Danforth


What's wrong with Mike leaving NH for school?  He promised to move to NH when the FSP reached 20,000, and it hasn't.  So he's free to come and go without violating his contract until that critical mass is reached.  But even assuming some side promise to move ASAP, we need to consider his net effectiveness.  If Mike leaves for the purpose of schooling he will earn more money or the leverage to have a more lenient job when he returns.  Mike earning more money/leverage enables him to be a more effective activist because he has greater resources to donate to the cause, so it's worth losing three or four years of activism now in exchange for 30-40 years of more effective activism later.

I'm friends with an FSP member who did the same thing.  He got to NH, realized that he would be stuck as a wage earner for 30 years with minimal time to work for liberty, so he took a business opportunity on the other side of the country and is now building a fortune so that in 8-9 years he'll be able to move back to NH and work full time as an activist.  He's a prime example of leaving the state so that your net effectiveness in the state is increased.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on October 20, 2006, 08:03 AM NHFT
I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Seth Cohn when I supported both JP & Michael Fisher against Seth's claiming that them both of them were immature, loose cannons when it was suggested they be given positions in the FSP a couple of years ago.  Seth, you were correct.

So weird that you would say this, Lloyd, because I have been thinking the exact same thing.  But I think you're getting your Mike's mixed up. It was Mike LORREY and JP that Seth was talking about, in regards to the LPNH, on this thread here: http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=1346.msg19169#msg19169

...unless we're thinking of two different conversations.  After 1 1/2 years in the Free State, I have yet to lay eyes on Mike Lorrey, anywhere.  But to read the various Yahoo discussion groups, you'd think he was quite the mover and shaker in New Hampshire politics.  ::)  And the LPNH hasn't been able to muster a quorum at a Board meeting in MONTHS, in large part because JP repeatedly fails to show up, despite repeatedly telling the other officers he *will* be there, thus wasting good people's time and money driving to Concord for nothing.  Not to mention the whole winning the Democratic primary and then moving out of town thing...  ::) Sorry, JP, love ya, sweetie, but you are a flake and a half and I really hope you start taking your responsibilities more seriously.

Since I seriously doubt Seth reads this forum anymore, I think I'll email him a link to this thread. Seth, you were right.

Michael, this is the first I've heard that you moved to Utah.  :o  Hope you're doing well and that you make it back to the Free State eventually. We'll miss you.

Michael Fisher


I was gonna say... I do not recall being a politico anytime since I moved to New Hampshire, nor do I remember running for any FSP or LPNH office.

In the meantime, whatever I can do from here with my spare time, I'll do. Perhaps I can integrate FSP recruiting and Caspian activism into my education as well.

Thanks, Sandy. :)


Quote from: Friday on October 20, 2006, 07:19 PM NHFT
So weird that you would say this, Lloyd, because I have been thinking the exact same thing.  But I think you're getting your Mike's mixed up. It was Mike LORREY and JP that Seth was talking about, in regards to the LPNH, on this thread here: http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=1346.msg19169#msg19169

Yes, Sandy's correct.  Not Mike Fisher, it was Mike Lorrey.

Since I seriously doubt Seth reads this forum anymore, I think I'll email him a link to this thread. Seth, you were right.

Thanks for the agreement.  Lloyd's too (at least the parts that are still valid). Indeed, I've logged back into nhfree for the first time in ages, just to acknowledge the agreement, since that other thread you both felt so strongly in disagreement.  Nice to be vindicated, as much I wish I'd been wrong for all our sakes.  Thanks for emailing me, Sandy, as I don't read this forum at all anymore, unless someone points me to a specific thread to check out.

Michael, this is the first I've heard that you moved to Utah.  :o  Hope you're doing well and that you make it back to the Free State eventually. We'll miss you.

Good luck in Utah, Mike.  Been thru there a number of times (I lived north of Utah in Idaho for a while).
Ditto what she said.

I'm gone again.... don't look for me here on the forum. :)


BTW, Mike Lorrey was at John's party on Sunday. JP was also there. There was a quorum of the LPNH board and they even acted as such.



I was also at John's party.  Didn't recognize Mike; too bad.  FYI, it was *my* suggestion to JP that they hold an unscheduled Board meeting, in order to disperse funds to Kahn Jr.'s campaign, to get something the f*** done.



Quote from: Friday on October 20, 2006, 07:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on October 20, 2006, 08:03 AM NHFT
I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Seth Cohn when I supported both JP & Michael Fisher against Seth's claiming that them both of them were immature, loose cannons when it was suggested they be given positions in the FSP a couple of years ago.  Seth, you were correct.

So weird that you would say this, Lloyd, because I have been thinking the exact same thing.  But I think you're getting your Mike's mixed up. It was Mike LORREY and JP that Seth was talking about, in regards to the LPNH, on this thread here: http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=1346.msg19169#msg19169

...unless we're thinking of two different conversations.  After 1 1/2 years in the Free State, I have yet to lay eyes on Mike Lorrey, anywhere.  But to read the various Yahoo discussion groups, you'd think he was quite the mover and shaker in New Hampshire politics.  ::)  And the LPNH hasn't been able to muster a quorum at a Board meeting in MONTHS, in large part because JP repeatedly fails to show up, despite repeatedly telling the other officers he *will* be there, thus wasting good people's time and money driving to Concord for nothing.  Not to mention the whole winning the Democratic primary and then moving out of town thing...  ::) Sorry, JP, love ya, sweetie, but you are a flake and a half and I really hope you start taking your responsibilities more seriously.


Well said.
Can't they vote JP out and get someone else in?
Mike L doesn't have a DL because the govt is conspiring against him (Not me saying this... this if from him on a listserv.)

Michael Fisher

Report - China Lifts English Wikipedia Censors, Chinese Censorship Remains

(This report includes more than the title describes.)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Michael Fisher on October 22, 2006, 03:08 AM NHFT
Report - China Lifts English Wikipedia Censors, Chinese Censorship Remains

(This report includes more than the title describes.)

Now Wikipedia Co-Founder Larry Sanger is founding a rival company called Citizendium, a portmanteau of Citizen's Compendium. Access may be available as soon as tomorrow (Monday).

I wonder how long it will be before China begins censoring it.  ::)

Dave Ridley

why would anyone want to go to a university...

Lloyd Danforth

Yeah...........live near a university for the chics and coffee shops, I can understand ;D

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on October 22, 2006, 05:12 PM NHFT
Yeah...........live near a university for the chics and coffee shops, I can understand ;D

That's me: :coffee: (but tea instead of coffee)

Quote from: DadaOrwell on October 22, 2006, 04:19 PM NHFT
why would anyone want to go to a university...

I felt woefully stupid, so I decided to get a higher education. Is that a good enough reason?  ;)

I also need a degree for my plan...  :plotting:

Only about 30% of what they're trying to teach me is worthless or potentially intellectually harmful... so far.