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Book lending network

Started by Kat Kanning, March 07, 2005, 10:33 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I've wanted to do a freedom oriented library for a while now.  Russell and I have been talking about setting up a book lending network among ourselves in NH.  People could post book requests, or post lists of books they have to offer.  What do you think?

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

You want to buy a book from Loompanics ....but you are not ready for the visit from the feds? Find someone that already has it in NH and we can pass them like unregistered firearms 8)

Lloyd Danforth

Sounds good to me Kat. I have a small, but, select collection of lib books and, historical lib stuff, ( presently, packed away)I would like to share, if, there was a safe way to do it.

Kat Kanning

By safely you mean you would get your book back?  Maybe when a book is loaned, we can put a note on the book listing on the wiki:  borrowed by so-an-so.  Seems like that would encourage returning.

Russell Kanning

I was thinking people could request books...and you can offer yours if you trust the person :)


Just wanted to bring thread alive again.

What about this idea.

We get a small bookcase and people can either donate or loan the book to the library.
Then at every event that bookcase travels to the event?  We could keep good track of who has what books.

Maybe we could have a small membership fee and that money can be used to buy new books.
Also videos and dvds.


I am interested in this too. I have a lot of books, not all of them are libertarian subjects though.


I'm also interested...? I have a bunch of technology, design, and political books.

Maybe we could set up something similar to www.freecycle.org ??


I have a _huge_ (gigs and gigs) collection of ebooks, for anyone interested.  Everything from SciFi to Non-fiction, to... um, SciFi. (grin).
If you are looking for something in particular, drop me an email or message.

For those who don't like reading on the computer, buy a cheap ebook reader or heck, just print it out...


Any Heinlein? I've never read any of his works.


Also, lots of downloaded videos/documentaries.... right now, I'm grabbing the 10 part Milton Friedman series Free to Choose (1980), for example.


Quote from: AlanM on August 14, 2005, 06:22 PM NHFT
Any Heinlein? I've never read any of his works.

Almost everything he wrote, in fact.


I'm definitely interested. I'll take anything you recommend by him.


Quote from: AlanM on August 14, 2005, 06:30 PM NHFT
I'm definitely interested. I'll take anything you recommend by him.

well, out of the 54 books (!) I just sent you a link to, I'd recommend Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Friday, or Starship Troopers (in that order)  as a first read of Heinlein. Some dislike Starship Troopers (the movie is a parody done by people who hated the book message), but I like it.