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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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MPP needs YOUR help

Started by traveler, October 30, 2006, 06:34 AM NHFT

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              The MPP(marijuana policy project) is in dire need of volunteers to hand out flyers,educate people and sign up new volunteers.We are trying to"Remove criminal penalties from patients using medicinal marijuana".If you are interested in helping please reply ASAP.I does not require much effort and may do a lot of good for the people that need this medicinal herb.Even if you dont smoke mj,then at least you should be concerned about people being sent to prison for merely trying to cure themselves when pharma does not do the job.Thanks for reading this post and I hope someone out there has some compassion and the 'balls',to get out and do something other than whine about what is wrong and do nothing but bitch.F***ing posers.The time is now.No more procrastinating.We have a chance to do something real and positive.Let's not let this opportunity slide by us.
BTW,I am in desperate need of vols.in the White Mt region.Seems I am the only one here willing to step up.Can you be counted?Also,I want to start a porc meeting up here somewhere.Anyone have time to fight for freedom?
Freedom for all,
                      Richard Barnes
                       lead volunteer MPP
                       603-238-6545(anytime,leave a message and I will get in touch ASAP,if I do not catch the call.

Recumbent ReCycler

I think I could help by handing out flyers at UNH-Durham after the election is over.


In general you'll probably find a lot more availability after the election.
Step #1 is to get good people in office.
Step #2 is to petition the people in office to get them to make the needed changes.

To help further Step #1, see:

Fluff and Stuff

Good thread.  The great thing about the MPP is that the way in pushes issues most liberals and many centrists (not just pro-freedom people) tend to agree with it.  I think the at universities and Democratic youth groups is where the most support would be found.  Nevertheless, I am very pleased to see the MPP reaching out the the NH Underground freedom community.

It would be great if more liberals got involved in causes like this (which they tend to support) instead of certain other liberal causes.  It would tie up some of their free time  >:D