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It's SNOWING!!!!!!!!

Started by Kat Kanning, November 02, 2006, 06:18 AM NHFT

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Pat K

Pat K will be fine.........

Lloyd Danforth

.......as he takes a couple of days off, planning to stay drunk with all of the shades drawn and the tv loud so he doesn't hear the plow trucks and shovels.

Pat K

Good plan! But I may not need it.

Lloyd Danforth

Our prayers have been ignored?

Pat K

Well not a snow flake in sight.
My almost maniacal laughter could be
heard over the Isle of Long.
Of course the Winter Court is now unhappy with me.
But then when is the Winter Court ever happy with
Just the same I will be keeping the big pipe wrench

Next Storm looks like Wednesday.

Lloyd Danforth

We'll keep it you in our wants prayers!


rare footage of PatK showing off his singing and dancing talents, filmed at an undisclosed location on the Isle of Long

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Pat K

Hey !! You promised not to show that to anyone!

Lloyd Danforth

The Big Guy isn't going to be able to escape this storm! Ha Ha Ha

Pat K

Jim Johnson

We got less than an inch of snow.   :raspberry:

Lloyd Danforth

Pat K

14 or so here.

Hey did I ever mention I hate snow?

Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

i swept part of our driveway .... the rest blew away or melted yesterday