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Started by Objectivist, November 07, 2006, 10:41 AM NHFT

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I think this zero aggresion principle of Libertarianism is a very scary thing, almost as scary as Islam. If we don't fight back, won't they take over the world, as they have said is their intention?


Fluff and Stuff

Where is the "no" option?


I could make a slimy joke about only hoping they get you

but my answer is


Ideas arent threats to freedom


Quote from: Objectivist on November 07, 2006, 10:41 AM NHFT
I think this zero aggresion principle of Libertarianism is a very scary thing, almost as scary as Islam. If we don't fight back, won't they take over the world, as they have said is their intention?


There is a big difference between the Zero Aggression Principle ("I will not INITIATE force") and the idea of always turning the other cheek ("I will not use any force even to defend myself").

ZAP, therefore, should not be scary to one who wants to "fight back," so long as such fighting is in direct response to an actual or imminent attack (i.e., in self-defense).  What I think that you are advocating is preventative action with "nation building" (like the attack on Iraq) because the nation / organization MIGHT attack.

Dog On

Quote from: Objectivist on November 07, 2006, 10:41 AM NHFT
I think this zero aggresion principle of Libertarianism is a very scary thing, almost as scary as Islam. If we don't fight back, won't they take over the world, as they have said is their intention?


Islam is a oppressive, aggressive religion, but you seem to be advocating KILLING people just because they have different ideas.

If a person tries to forceably restrict your freedoms, you are within your rights (well at least according to the constitution) to use force against them.

Libertarianism is not pacifist. If someone attacks you, attack them back. But to kill someone who poses no threat to your life is extremely immoral and disturbing.

You seem to have some kind of psychotic hatred for muslims. Yet you have mentioned nothing of evangelical christians, hindus that advocate the caste system, or any of the other multitude of religions that promote oppressive and immoral beliefs.

If anyone is a threat to US freedom, it is the evangelical christians who want it to be a crime to be gay, or atheist or want to forcibly take YOUR money to fund their own religion.

If you suggest Iraq is what we should turn all middle eastern countries into, then I suggest you take a look at modern day Iraq, to Iraq before the invasion.

Sure it was lead by an opressive dictator who killed thousands of his own people, but compared to what it was like now, it was a paradise. The people of Iraq dont WANT democracy, they want theocracy, and ironically enough, this war will turn a previously secular nation (after a length civil war) into most likely 2  (sunni and shi'a) seperate, but extremely theocratic nations, and you can bet your ass the people there in 5, even 10 years time will still have a deep hatred for the "evil westerners" who killed their children, their friends, and destroyed their country.

"If we don't fight back, won't they take over the world, as they have said is their intention?"

Objectivist... haha.

I can imagine it now.

Iran 2014. "Thank you people of the western world, you have liberated me from a terrible dictatorship, I no longer believe the foolish propaganda I have been told about America fighting a crusade against the muslim world. I understand now that you only wanted to help me and my country"

It's nice to see how successful this nation building has been, what with the Taliban regaining alot of its former strength, but with the added deaths of thousands of civillians and the destruction of millions of dollars worth of infrastructure.

The only way you can ever stop islamic terrorism through force is if you kill everyone capable of being an islamic fundamentalist, i.e. EVERY HUMAN ON THE PLANET.

I have an idea "Objectivist", how about we put all the muslims and arabs in the United states and put them into prison camps, we should accept any muslims immigrants but ship them straight to the prison camps. After a few years when all the worlds muslims have come to America to try and convert us to islam, we ship all of the muslims to the north pole and then nuke them all.

How can anyone claim to be an Objectivist but clearly advocate the killing of innocent civillians.

At the moment less than 20 muslims have ever commited terrorist murder on US soil, but I'm sure if psychos like you get their way, that number is going to grow rapidly over the next few years. Maybe if we spent less money bombing cities and more time defending our own, we might be less likely to have terrorist acts commited on US soil.

Murder is a crime, as is kidnap. If a muslim comes to your house and threatens you to convert from your evil western ways (as i am sure often happens), then you are well within your rights to use whatever force neccessary to stop this CRAZY muslim, which even means you might get to shoot one of those towel heads you've seen on fox news.

Exactly who are we fighting back against? Last time I looked you can't kill a corpse, and alot of muslim terrorists employ suicide bombings, although I'm sure if we kill enough of those darned islams that they will stop trying to kill us.


I would put Evangelical Christians on the same level as Islam Fundamentalists.

The best thing Christians could do for Christianity is for the majority of sane, mellow believers to tell the extremists to STFU!  ;D

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: SeanSchade on November 08, 2006, 03:05 PM NHFT
I would put Evangelical Christians on the same level as Islam Fundamentalists.

I agree


Quote from: SeanSchade on November 08, 2006, 03:05 PM NHFT
I would put Evangelical Christians on the same level as Islam Fundamentalists.

I guess I missed it when Billy Graham and James Dobson ordered women beheaded in the public square for adultery. Maybe the NY Times didn't cover it when Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson had the homosexuals stoned to death. It's probably just a journalistic oversight that we don't hear about thieves having their hands chopped off in Appalachia.


Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: KBCraig on November 08, 2006, 06:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: SeanSchade on November 08, 2006, 03:05 PM NHFT
I would put Evangelical Christians on the same level as Islam Fundamentalists.

I guess I missed it when Billy Graham and James Dobson ordered women beheaded in the public square for adultery. Maybe the NY Times didn't cover it when Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson had the homosexuals stoned to death. It's probably just a journalistic oversight that we don't hear about thieves having their hands chopped off in Appalachia.


Religion is a choice... I think they are all wrong and a little scary  ;D


Quote from: Dog On on November 08, 2006, 02:28 PM NHFT

You seem to have some kind of psychotic hatred for muslims. Yet you have mentioned nothing of evangelical christians, hindus that advocate the caste system, or any of the other multitude of religions that promote oppressive and immoral beliefs.

Evangelical Christians haven't declared Jihad against the West. Immoral and oppresive are very different from a declaration of WAR. I am against all religion and mysticism, but not all religions have made their focus a virulent hatred of the West.


If you suggest Iraq is what we should turn all middle eastern countries into....

Sure it was lead by an opressive dictator who killed thousands of his own people, but compared to what it was like now, it was a paradise....

It's nice to see how successful this nation building has been, what with the Taliban regaining alot of its former strength....

My point exactly. I do NOT support Bush's pansy half-hearted approach. Iraq is a mess and its because we haven't followed the methods used in WWII.

There were a lot of "innocent" people living in Germany and Japan in WWII, but their blood is on the hands of their dictators, even if they died from USA bombs.

If your country attacks another, you can't whine and moan, "But I didn't want to attack you, only my government wanted to."

Your government represent you. That is EXACTLY the reason why politics is so important: you are responsible for the actions of your government, good or bad.

That's why I'm in favor of carpet bombing Iran (firstly) and while we're at it, Iraq and Afghanistan, until they're as peaceful and docile as The Axis Powers after WWII.

Then we can force a constitutional government on them, like we did to Germany and Japan, screw this pansy voting crap, letting them elect their own dicatators and such. And after that, we'll build freeways and Walmarts everywhere, and everyone will live happily ever after, like thay have in Germany and Japan.


The only way you can ever stop islamic terrorism through force is if you kill everyone capable of being an islamic fundamentalist, i.e. EVERY HUMAN ON THE PLANET.

It didn't take that to stop Naziism or Japanese Imperialism. Why would that be the case with Islam? That is a bizaar argument!



I didn't know that we should commit murder if the Middle Easterners have a problem. Spare them and allow them to come to the free world we're creating.


QuoteEvangelical Christians haven't declared Jihad against the West.

that's because they are the west...

from a muslim point of view we are at war with them as capital and media knows no boundaries


Quote from: KBCraig on November 08, 2006, 06:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: SeanSchade on November 08, 2006, 03:05 PM NHFT
I would put Evangelical Christians on the same level as Islam Fundamentalists.

I guess I missed it when Billy Graham and James Dobson ordered women beheaded in the public square for adultery. Maybe the NY Times didn't cover it when Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson had the homosexuals stoned to death. It's probably just a journalistic oversight that we don't hear about thieves having their hands chopped off in Appalachia.


They won't stone the homosexuals, but they sure would like to make it difficult for them to exist within our society. ;)

I guess there's a reason they refer to their followers as the flock...happy little sheep... ::)

God wants you to send your money to me. For only $19.95 a month you too can have salvation!  ;D ;D ;D


They won't stone homosexuals because they fear legal reprisal.  Without that fear I think we might have a lot more matthew shepards.

Quote from Objectivist:

If your country attacks another, you can't whine and moan, "But I didn't want to attack you, only my government wanted to."

Newsflash:  Iraq didn't attack us.


Quote from: Eli on November 09, 2006, 06:14 PM NHFT
Quote from Objectivist:

If your country attacks another, you can't whine and moan, "But I didn't want to attack you, only my government wanted to."

Newsflash:  Iraq didn't attack us.

I wasn't refering to iraq, I was talking about Afghanistan and Iran, who by supporting terorirsm DID attack us. And Iraq was refusing to allow inspection of their weapons programs. Pre-emptive self defense is a must in a world of idiots and dictators.

ONLY PROBLEM IS Bush is doing Iraq all wrong. He needs to learn a lesson from our methods in WWII against Germany and Japan.
