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Started by Objectivist, November 09, 2006, 07:53 PM NHFT

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I've also felt very welcome on this forum.  I don't attack others, and others rarely, if ever attack me.  I don't debate ad nauseum, so it never becomes a shouting match.

My concious does not even twing when a person makes blanket statements about a billion human beings, and advocates a war with the hope of killing 60 million, (3 times the pop. of Iraq), then wines and complaines when people are horrified by what he/she says.  Murder, is the ultimate violation of human rights.  You can't have property, or the pursuit of happiness, if you have no life.  Good riddance to persons who acknoledge that some Iranians are good, but still thinks they are somehow personally responsible for their national gov't, and should be rightfully killed. 

Rand taught individualism.  That was the basis for all of her philosophy.  She dealt extensivelly with collectivism, because it was the opposite of individualism.  If this phony objectivist fails to learn the central tenet of randianism, then it is a waste of time debating him/her. 
There is no way to sanitize war.  Attempts have been made at doing just that, but they have failed largely.  Innoscent Individuals Die, in war.  A five hundred pound bomb of high grade explosives does exactly what a bomb is supposed to do, and it ain't sanitized. 

Sweet Mercury

Quote from: fsp-ohio on November 28, 2006, 01:12 AM NHFT
I've also felt very welcome on this forum.  I don't attack others, and others rarely, if ever attack me.  I don't debate ad nauseum, so it never becomes a shouting match.

My concious does not even twing when a person makes blanket statements about a billion human beings, and advocates a war with the hope of killing 60 million, (3 times the pop. of Iraq), then wines and complaines when people are horrified by what he/she says.  Murder, is the ultimate violation of human rights.  You can't have property, or the pursuit of happiness, if you have no life.  Good riddance to persons who acknoledge that some Iranians are good, but still thinks they are somehow personally responsible for their national gov't, and should be rightfully killed. 

Rand taught individualism.  That was the basis for all of her philosophy.  She dealt extensivelly with collectivism, because it was the opposite of individualism.  If this phony objectivist fails to learn the central tenet of randianism, then it is a waste of time debating him/her. 
There is no way to sanitize war.  Attempts have been made at doing just that, but they have failed largely.  Innoscent Individuals Die, in war.  A five hundred pound bomb of high grade explosives does exactly what a bomb is supposed to do, and it ain't sanitized. 

Plus, as Rand herself said that to judge a person based on a criterion like race—or gender, or hair color, or any other non-chosen immutable trait—is "the lowest form of collectivism," in much the same way as to hold innocent people responsible for the wrongs of others who share traits.


I've felt rather welcome on this forum as well, though I'm not sure I'd call myself an objectivist.  I've even felt welcome (or, at least, not told to shut the hell up) when I was debating Objectivist (a fool's errand, to be sure :P).


btw, The al quada types blame all americans for the evil of this gov't.  That is supposable why they targeted civilians.  If the civilians are guilty for the us CIA actions, then they all should be accoutable.  Am I the only one who notices a similar thought pattern on this thread?