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Rescinding membership in Free State Project

Started by Objectivist, November 09, 2006, 07:53 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Jason Rand

Quote from: Objectivist on November 12, 2006, 08:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: AlanM on November 12, 2006, 12:34 PM NHFT
This was one of her contradictions. She advocated ZAP, but also advocated minarchism.
I was never sure how she expected gov services to be paid for.

You might try reading her essay "Government Financing in a Free Society" which is chapter 15 in _The Virtue of Selfishness_.

- Objectivist

And for a critique, read Roy Childs and George Smith.  I have yet to see a refutation of their basic argument that Objectivism logically leads to anarch-capitalism.


If you won't believe me that iran is THE threat, take it from Ted Koppel:

Tune to the Discovery Channel this Sunday at 9pm Eastern for


Hear his interview with NPR:


Here is the Discovery Channel site:


And a nice little ditty about who we should bomb next:





Nicely observed and spelled, Kev -- maybe you should be the one "openeing" a private school?

(there's room in your house   ;D)


Quote from: Rocketman on November 16, 2006, 03:06 PM NHFT
Nicely observed and spelled, Kev -- maybe you should be the one "openeing" a private school?

(there's room in your house   ;D)
Is that cool
with a mouse

(Notice my rhyming... therefore I am a poet)


Okay, Objectivist.  Let's just say that "we" should bomb Iran next.


Try to lay off of the logical fallacies this time, hmm?

(And I hate to break it to you, but that youtube video you posted?  Yeah, that was a parody.  The author wasn't seriously suggesting we bomb Iran and advanced absolutely no arguments as to why we should.)


Quote from: eques on November 16, 2006, 05:18 PM NHFT
Okay, Objectivist.  Let's just say that "we" should bomb Iran next.


Try to lay off of the logical fallacies this time, hmm?

(And I hate to break it to you, but that youtube video you posted?  Yeah, that was a parody.  The author wasn't seriously suggesting we bomb Iran and advanced absolutely no arguments as to why we should.)

yeah, it was a parody. You think I didn't watch it?! But it was sure catchy. I tried to just close my eyes and imagine it was a serious call to action.

We should bomb iran (or should have over a decade ago) because they support terrorist training organization from Afghanistan to Africa, Pakistan to Lebonon. They have declared Israel will be "wiped off the face of the planet" and have declared America to be the Great Satan, calling for a Jihaad against us that will end, they say, only when America has disintegrated.

They see parallels between capitalism and communism. For them, capitalist and communist are both lumped together as western secular evil. Islam will triumph and Sharia'a Law will "rule the earth" (literally; the earth is Allah's realm, and his law is supreme).

Watch Ted Koppel's special this Sunday at 9 pm on the Discovery channel. You'll see for yourself that, while not every Iranian hates us, just as not every German in the Nazi era hated us, still whether every Iranian hates us or not, THEIR GOVERNMENT HATES US AND SEEKS OUR TOTAL DESTRUCTION.

Like it or not, your government represents you on the world stage. That is why politics is such an important human activity. If those Iranians don't want to be bombed the way Germany and Japan were, they better stop their government from supporting terrorism.

Fat chance of that.

Its war, people, and Islam hates freedom. You'll have to choose sides sooner or later.



Oh, wow.

Yeah, sorry guys... sorry I fed the troll.  I'll try not to let it happen again.

(Er, and I don't have cable television anyway, so I wouldn't be able to watch Mr. Koppel's insightful tribute.)


Quote from: eques on November 16, 2006, 10:01 PM NHFT
Oh, wow.

Yeah, sorry guys... sorry I fed the troll.  I'll try not to let it happen again.

Many of us had this "Oh, wow" moment the last time we tried to converse with Mr. Cropper.  Alas, I remember it well...  :soapbox:


Quote from: Rocketman on November 16, 2006, 10:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: eques on November 16, 2006, 10:01 PM NHFT
Oh, wow.

Yeah, sorry guys... sorry I fed the troll.  I'll try not to let it happen again.

Many of us had this "Oh, wow" moment the last time we tried to converse with Mr. Cropper.  Alas, I remember it well...  :soapbox:

Yeah, my fault for not paying closer attention.

I'm almost tempted to compare him to my father, but my father is just plain authoritarian... not atavistic.


Quote from: Objectivist on November 16, 2006, 08:28 PM NHFTBut it was sure catchy. I tried to just close my eyes and imagine it was a serious call to action.




From another forum, http://capitalismforum.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=38&start=0

Someone named LaszloWalrus posted this in reply to the question "What should America do about Iran.

I agree, but I think the measures should be more drastic, otherwise Iran will recover and start building bombs again. I think the solution is to bomb the facilities, then tell Iran's government that it has, say, a week to dismantle its entire government and become demonstrably peaceful (it's their problem, not ours as to how they could accomplish this). Assuming they do not do this (which they almost certainly wouldn't), the US (alone or with willing allies like Israel) should initiate a massive attack on Iran's major cities (exactly how to do this is up to military strategists), destroying all of Iran's infrastructure and industry, and killing huge numbers of civilians. If the US would do that, the terrorist threat would virtually disappear, and North Korea would probably abandon their weapons program as well.

Tom Sawyer

The fact that you keep posting, and on the thread where you said 'I'm taking my ball and going home.' proves to me that you are merely a troll intent on getting even with folks that don't agree with your fantasies of fixing the world through death from above.

Read up on fourth generation warfare... you will see that it is a new paradigm. Can't fight today's battles with the past war's logic. Kill a bunch of civilians and watch moderates in those regions turn against us.

Besides the fact that it is morally repugnate...