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Anti-Iraq Voters Played for Suckers - Dems Say No Quick Withdrawal

Started by mvpel, November 09, 2006, 09:56 PM NHFT

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From the Boston Herald:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - President Jalal Talabani said Thursday that he had been assured by Democrat congressional leaders during a recent visit to Washington that they had no plans for a quick withdrawal of U.S. forces.

?One of them (a Democrat leader) told me that any early withdrawal will be a catastrophe for the United States and the world,? Talabani, speaking from his northern hometown of Sulaimaniyah, told the Dubai-based Al-Jazeera satellite broadcaster.

Washington Post, November 2005
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told colleagues at a closed meeting yesterday morning that she, too, would advocate an immediate troop withdrawal, according to several who attended.


I hope the people in She-Pot's district ask her to submit the 'withdraw the troops now' bill.


What ever happened to all the democratic support for impeachment of GWB? As well as the withdrawal of troops?


They won the election.

At least when the Democrats hand out cigarettes in exchange for votes, someone actually sees some tangible benefit in the transaction.


if Jack Murtha becomes the majority whip (Pelosi supports him) this will send a very clear signal as to their intentions.

phased withdrawl and re-deploy with benchmarks and timetables - I predict.

there is not much national support though for impeachment with no smoking gun - but that might come out of investigatory hearings.


mvpel, the D's haven't even been sworn in yet...  ::)

Frank, I think you're right about the phased withdrawals, and right that investigative hearings will be the path the D's take toward impeachment.  That ball will begin rolling soon enough...


Quote from: Rocketman on November 14, 2006, 03:32 PM NHFT
mvpel, the D's haven't even been sworn in yet...  ::)

Frank, I think you're right about the phased withdrawals, and right that investigative hearings will be the path the D's take toward impeachment.  That ball will begin rolling soon enough...

can I get some karma please? man, I am dying with this low negative rating!

everyone's got me on ignore for some reason and I figure if I can get in the positive range people will start listening to me and do what I say rather than Dada, Russell and Lauren!



I agree with you a fair amount of the time, Frank... and since you seem to be asking my advice, I'll happily give it -- people here (meaning activists) would respect you more if they perceived that you were doing something beyond typing a bunch of big words on internet forums.  I'm aware of your position with DFC, but I have no idea what you actually do to advance the cause of liberty in NH.  Perhaps you are some kind of magician behind the scenes, but your efforts sure aren't visible. 

I freely admit, I have given you karma before... but I have also smited you for thread-hijacking on more than one occasion.   8)

I should smite you again for groveling about your negative rating...  ;D


Quote from: mvpel on November 14, 2006, 02:28 PM NHFT
They won the election.
It suddenly occurs to me that the R's have been betraying their "Contract with America" for 12 solid years now... all the more ridiculous to hear you accuse the D's of betraying voters one week after the election.

They will, of course, betray the voters just as the R's did... and they'll be punished, just as Bass and Bradley were punished for being imperialists and torture-apologists (funny how those two go together).


QuoteI'm aware of your position with DFC, but I have no idea what you actually do to advance the cause of liberty in NH.  Perhaps you are some kind of magician behind the scenes, but your efforts sure aren't visible.

my charge is to work within the Democratic Party as a caucus to help move it in the direction of EQUAL liberty NOT to try and convert right libertarians to left libertarianism as they are under a spell from Rand and Rothbard that is almost nearly impossible to break.


Quote from: FrankChodorov on November 14, 2006, 04:12 PM NHFT
QuoteI'm aware of your position with DFC, but I have no idea what you actually do to advance the cause of liberty in NH.  Perhaps you are some kind of magician behind the scenes, but your efforts sure aren't visible.

my charge is to work within the Democratic Party as a caucus to help move it in the direction of EQUAL liberty NOT to try and convert right libertarians to left libertarianism as they are under a spell from Rand and Rothbard that is almost nearly impossible to break.
Then what am I?  I don't follow Rand or Rothbard...

-- take out the Bruce Willis one too... no celebrity worship.

Also to follow up on Rocketman... just don't talk about Mr George ALL the time.  There are other issues and you have many good points.. maybe if you talk about other things it will go up.... it will take awhile but it will go up.


QuoteThen what am I?

obviously an enigma wrapped in conundrum

Quotejust don't talk about Mr George ALL the time.  There are other issues and you have many good points..

I am a mutualist except for land where I am a geoist - what do you expect?

no point backslapping each other about all that we agree on - all taxation on labor and capital is theft....what else is there?