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Public School Keeps Kids Out In the Cold

Started by GT, March 11, 2005, 06:47 AM NHFT

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We pay millions for these public schools and they they won't even let the kids in when it far below freezing...!

"Several seventh- to 12th-graders were waiting outside Hill Elementary School Wednesday morning for their bus ride to Franklin, N.H., but the bus was delayed for about two hours. The temperature was in the single digits, but the wind chill made it feel like minus 20 degrees.

Some students wanted to stay warm in the elementary school, but parents said they were turned away."


Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

As an 'inclusive' libertarian, I would say, stop all of the insanity, but, as a realist, I say allow our insanity to stay on this forum.

Russell Kanning

Now that is funny....to think I used to smite this guy :-[

Lloyd Danforth

Still smiting you. I miss JP though. Hope he's taking good care of the sign.

Russell Kanning

I remember freezing my butt off outside elementary school in Montana waiting for that bell......keep us like sheep don't they?
Maybe we should teach kids to burn wood siding for warmth >:D


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on March 11, 2005, 11:33 AM NHFT
As an 'inclusive' libertarian, I would say, stop all of the insanity, but, as a realist, I say allow our insanity to stay on this forum.

Shorty had a great expression: Sometimes I think the whole world's crazy but me and thee, and sometimes I think thou art.