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Iran: the Most Dangerous Nation, by TED KOPPEL

Started by Objectivist, November 16, 2006, 01:54 PM NHFT

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It is that militarism that Ayn Rand endorsed that makes me think she's a psychopath and to doubt the sanity of everyone who follows her.  The entire idea of a just war flies out the window with her and she'd launch some Jacobinian war to spread 'freedom and democracy' throughout the world.   

Leonard Peikoff is a half-wit that is only the 'intellectual heir' of Rand because he was a sycophant.  That is someone who is entirely devoid of a rational thought. 


Quote from: Dreepa on November 17, 2006, 05:51 PM NHFT
After Iran builds one for power... I am sure that they will build some nuke weapons.

1.  We have them why can't they?
2.  They know that they might have something to stop us from attacking them.
3.  Russians have had them for years and haven't used them and they were our 'enemy'.

Would we have attacked Iraq if they had a nuke?

Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. ~Sun Tzu

Why give anyone the advantage of nuclear weapons? It's flawed thinking that says if everyone was nuclear capable then no one would use them.


Quote from: SeanSchade on November 17, 2006, 08:38 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on November 17, 2006, 05:51 PM NHFT
After Iran builds one for power... I am sure that they will build some nuke weapons.

1.  We have them why can't they?
2.  They know that they might have something to stop us from attacking them.
3.  Russians have had them for years and haven't used them and they were our 'enemy'.

Would we have attacked Iraq if they had a nuke?

Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. ~Sun Tzu

Why give anyone the advantage of nuclear weapons? It's flawed thinking that says if everyone was nuclear capable then no one would use them.

Karma +1


Quote from: SeanSchade on November 17, 2006, 08:38 PM NHFT

Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. ~Sun Tzu

Why give anyone the advantage of nuclear weapons? It's flawed thinking that says if everyone was nuclear capable then no one would use them.
Worked for 45 years with MAD.

I know about 6 Iranians.   They all have relatives in Iran.  They think that many of the muslims are wackos.  They say they most Iranians love the US..... but Mr O thinks that they all hate us.
then again Mr O thinks that poetry must rhyme.


The reason MAD worked during the Cold War is because neither side wanted to be vaporized in a cloud of 50 million degree plasma.

But Osama Bin Ladin distilled the essence of the Islamic jihadist's main advantage over us: ?We love death. The US loves life. That is the difference between us two.?

MAD does not work against people who don't care if they themselves or anyone else dies in pursuit of conquest, against people who believe with great fervor that being vaporized in a cloud of plasma will mean immediate entry for them and any nearby fellow Muslims into paradise.

That's why the killers in Iraq think nothing of blowing up a crowd of laughing kids getting candy from soldiers - the soldiers are dead, and the kids are martyrs in paradise: "win-win."

I can't believe that five full years after 9/11 that everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together doesn't understand this by now.

What do you think President Ahmawhackajob of Iran really means when he says that Israel should be "wiped off the map" or that it is "destined for destruction and it will disappear soon," if not that he hopes to take part in the murder of millions of innocent people?  That the sale of cheap nuclear electricity will destroy Israel's economy?  What?


Quote from: Dreepa on November 17, 2006, 09:37 PM NHFTI know about 6 Iranians.   They all have relatives in Iran.  They think that many of the muslims are wackos.  They say they most Iranians love the US.....

That's why I support regime change in Iran, to protect such good-hearted people from the disasterous course being charted by their nutjob bloodthirsty religious-fanatic leaders, so that they might live and raise their families in peace and freedom.

Are you saying you support regime change in Iran too?  Welcome aboard.


Quote from: mvpel on November 17, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
Are you saying you support regime change in Iran too?  Welcome aboard.

I think Iran would be better off as a constitutional republic, sure, but I know this country would be better off if it was still a constitutional republic.  I don't think we can get our republic back if we can't get beyond our national lust for power and control.  Liberty and empire are mutually exclusive -- unless somebody can show me an example of a libertarian empire?

I wonder how the federal reserve bankers feel about this war.  Suppose they're profiting nicely from the empire they've financed for us?


Quote from: Rocketman on November 18, 2006, 12:11 AM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on November 17, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
Are you saying you support regime change in Iran too?  Welcome aboard.

I think Iran would be better off as a constitutional republic, sure, but I know this country would be better off if it was still a constitutional republic.  I don't think we can get our republic back if we can't get beyond our national lust for power and control.  Liberty and empire are mutually exclusive -- unless somebody can show me an example of a libertarian empire?

I wonder how the federal reserve bankers feel about this war.  Suppose they're profiting nicely from the empire they've financed for us?

I'd go half a step further and say that liberty and coercion (in any form, be it empire or no) are mutually exclusive.

If we had libertarian "rulers," they would no longer be libertarians.

I imagine that anybody who is in the business of printing or lending money is sitting pretty right about now.


Quote from: mvpel on November 17, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
That's why I support regime change in Iran, to protect such good-hearted people from the disasterous course being charted by their nutjob bloodthirsty religious-fanatic leaders, so that they might live and raise their families in peace and freedom.

Are you saying you support regime change in Iran too?  Welcome aboard.


But we can't F**k it uo this time like Iraq. We need to do like we did in Germany and Japan in WWII, like the fire-bombing of Dresden and Tokyo where many "innocent" lives were lost.

If the "innocet" Iranians don't want to become American shrapnel targets, they better quit voting in sh*theads like A-wack-job-dinajad. Just like Hitler was voted in by innocent Germans.

And the ones who really are innocent can't blame America for self defense. And if they do hate us for defending our lives, THEY'RE NOT INNOCENT.



Americans voted for Bush... I guess we should be carpet bombed.  ::)


Quote from: Dreepa on November 17, 2006, 09:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: SeanSchade on November 17, 2006, 08:38 PM NHFT

Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. ~Sun Tzu

Why give anyone the advantage of nuclear weapons? It's flawed thinking that says if everyone was nuclear capable then no one would use them.
Worked for 45 years with MAD.

I know about 6 Iranians.   They all have relatives in Iran.  They think that many of the muslims are wackos.  They say they most Iranians love the US..... but Mr O thinks that they all hate us.
then again Mr O thinks that poetry must rhyme.

I have a couple of Iranian friends as well. There's a big difference in the institution, and the people that are a part of the institution. We should have kept our noses out of the Middle-East 50 years ago. Not every Muslim is evil and intent on destroying infidels, but enough are that I'm not willing to turn my back on them!

I don't think carpet bombing anyone is the solution. At the same time enabling any middle-eastern country to become militarily stronger would be a big mistake.

I have no solution to offer. I wouldn't even know where to begin. The climate over there is a delicate ecosystem, and like all ecosystems that man has tried to manipulate or control it is easily thrown out of balance!

Finally, Democracy isn't for everyone. Many places just aren't ready for that kind of political system. Especially when the education levels, caste systems, and religious beliefs are taken into account.


Quote from: mvpel on November 17, 2006, 10:54 PM NHFT
But Osama Bin Ladin distilled the essence of the Islamic jihadist's main advantage over us: ?We love death. The US loves life. That is the difference between us two.?
Oh I forgot that Osama is in charge of Iran (q)

Michael Fisher

I know a Saudi Arabian. He thinks America's government is out of control.

I agree.


Quote from: mvpel on November 17, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
That's why I support regime change in Iran, to protect such good-hearted people from the disasterous course being charted by their nutjob bloodthirsty religious-fanatic leaders, so that they might live and raise their families in peace and freedom.

Funny, that's exactly why I support regime change in the United States.


Quote from: Ear on November 18, 2006, 02:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on November 17, 2006, 10:59 PM NHFT
That's why I support regime change in Iran, to protect such good-hearted people from the disasterous course being charted by their nutjob bloodthirsty religious-fanatic leaders, so that they might live and raise their families in peace and freedom.

Funny, that's exactly why I support regime change in the United States.


I was trying to find a concise way to say exactly this.