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Scrooge lives in Maine

Started by KBCraig, December 03, 2006, 09:59 AM NHFT

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Maine bans boozy Santa beer label

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) -- A beer distributor says Maine is being a Scrooge by barring it from selling a beer with a label depicting Santa Claus enjoying a pint of brew.

In a complaint filed in federal court, Shelton Brothers accuses the Maine Bureau of Liquor Enforcement of censorship for denying applications for labels for Santa's Butt Winter Porter and two other beers it wants to sell in Maine.

The dispute recalls a similar squabble last year when Connecticut told Shelton Brothers it had problems with its Seriously Bad Elf ale.

"Last year it was elves. This year it's Santa. Maybe next year it'll be reindeer," said Daniel Shelton, owner of the company in Belchertown, Massachusetts.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday, contends the state's action violates the First Amendment by censoring artistic expression.

But the state says it's within its rights. The label with Santa might appeal to children, said Maine State Police Lt. Patrick Fleming. The other two labels are considered inappropriate because they show bare-breasted women.

"We stand by our decision and at some point it'll go through the court system and somebody will make the decision on whether we are right or wrong," he said.

The lawsuit was brought by the Maine Civil Liberties Union, which says the beer labels are entitled to First Amendment protection.

"There is no good reason for the state to censor art, even art found on a beer label," said Zachary Heiden, staff attorney for the MCLU.

The label for the English-made Santa's Butt Winter Porter features a rear view of a beer-drinking Santa Claus sitting atop a barrel. The beer's name refers not only to Santa's ample backside, but also to the barrel. In England, brewers once used a large barrel called a "butt" to store beer.

Maine also denied label applications for Les Sans Culottes, a French ale, and Rose de Gambrinus, a Belgian fruit beer.

Les Sans Culottes' label is illustrated with detail from Eugene Delacroix's 1830 painting "Liberty Leading the People," which hangs in the Louvre and once appeared on the 100-franc bill. Rose de Gambrinus shows a bare-breasted woman in a watercolor painting commissioned by the brewery.

In a letter to Shelton Brothers, the state denied the applications for the labels because they contained "undignified or improper illustration."

The state reviews between 10,000 and 12,000 applications a year for beer and wine labels. It typically denies about a dozen a year because they contain inappropriate language or nudity, or might appeal to children, Fleming said.

"Basically, the standard we use is what are people going to see walking up and down a store aisle," he said.

Shelton said his company filed a lawsuit against the New York State Liquor Authority last month after it denied his applications for six holiday-themed beer labels, including Santa's Butt Winter Porter. The state changed its mind but the lawsuit is going forward, he said.

In years past, the company has had labels challenged in a few states, including Ohio, North Carolina and Missouri, he said.

States have the power to regulate alcohol through the 21st Amendment, which repealed Prohibition in 1933. "But I don't know where they get the idea they can ignore the rest of the Constitution," Shelton said.

Michael Fisher

It sounds like an old blue law from New England.  :P


Might appeal to children.. right, but they can't drink, remember?
I suppose this might be their logic. It includes santa. Children believe in santa. Therefore, the ad is targeted at children.

However, by the age most kids even begin to think about drinking (14 at the earliest)... the belief in Santa is usually gone.
It's just a holiday ad... including a holiday persona.


I'm thinking we should invite this guy to relocate his brewery to New Hampshire.   >:D

Pat K

Well the Jack Ass's  strike again.

Pat McCotter

Connecticut used the same argument last year when they wanted to ban "Seriously Bad Elf Ale" from England.

"The department determined that although state regulations bar alcohol advertising with images that might entice children, including images associated with Santa Claus, the regulations do not apply to beer labels."

Seriously Bad Elf showed an elf with a slingshot shooting at Santa's sleigh overhead.

They also have Bad Elf, Very Bad Elf and Criminally Bad Elf. There wasn't a picture of that last one.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Friday on December 03, 2006, 07:14 PM NHFT
I'm thinking we should invite this guy to relocate his brewery to New Hampshire.   >:D

I'm surprised we have not yet had any protests for alcohol rights in New Hampshire.


Quote from: Michael Fisher on December 03, 2006, 11:37 PM NHFT
I'm surprised we have not yet had any protests for alcohol rights in New Hampshire.

Oh, just you wait until I get there. Then there will be protests for alcohol rights.

State owned liquor stores, hmph!

Michael Fisher

Quote from: error on December 03, 2006, 11:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: Michael Fisher on December 03, 2006, 11:37 PM NHFT
I'm surprised we have not yet had any protests for alcohol rights in New Hampshire.

Oh, just you wait until I get there. Then there will be protests for alcohol rights.

State owned liquor stores, hmph!

You'll be dead in a week if your protests succeed in demonopolizing alcohol, because they won't take kindly to losing several tens of millions of dollars in state revenue.

Ever heard of Litvinenko?  :o

Michael Fisher

That said, we should still do it. ;)


Quote from: Michael Fisher on December 03, 2006, 11:48 PM NHFT
You'll be dead in a week if your protests succeed in demonopolizing alcohol, because they won't take kindly to losing several tens of millions of dollars in state revenue.

Ever heard of Litvinenko?  :o

Didn't some government bureaucrat poison him for something or other?


NH has no specialty liquor industry because the state-owned stores make it such a hassle to get fancy/rare/import liquors from.

If the state dropped the stores and taxed alcohol (realistically, they'd need to) to regain the profit, they'd be much better off.


Quote from: aries on December 04, 2006, 06:26 AM NHFT
NH has no specialty liquor industry because the state-owned stores make it such a hassle to get fancy/rare/import liquors from.

If the state dropped the stores and taxed alcohol (realistically, they'd need to) to regain the profit, they'd be much better off.

In NH the State Stores are the only ones who can sell hard liquor. Beer and wine may be sold elseware.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Michael Fisher on December 03, 2006, 11:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on December 03, 2006, 07:14 PM NHFT
I'm thinking we should invite this guy to relocate his brewery to New Hampshire.   >:D

I'm surprised we have not yet had any protests for alcohol rights in New Hampshire.

Well....we we're going to.....but then we all got drunk.