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Missing Pat K

Started by KBCraig, December 29, 2006, 02:53 PM NHFT

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Has anyone talked to Pat K since he left for Florida? I called his home phone, hoping to leave a voice message to let him know Lauren was out of jail, but the voicemail wasn't activated. I don't have a cell phone number for him.

I wish he'd get his butt back home, and on the forum!


Lloyd Danforth

I've got his number somewhere.  I didn't think of contacting him about lauren.  I'll look.

Russell Kanning

I miss PatK almost as much as I miss snow this winter.

Pat K

I am alive and home, I am so glad Lauren has been sprung!!!  ;D Just got in, drove strait through, with a couple of naps to sustain me.


PatK is back! Let the snow begin!    :icon_dance: :hello:

Pat K

Russell Kanning

Our 1st snow here .... might be tomorrow. :)

Pat K

Well make sure ya clean it up.  ;D


Welcome back, Bro.!

Mary's been in "Pat K comment withdrawal" over at her blog.

Kat Kanning

Pat K

Kat just loves to report snow to me.


We finally have snow today. An inch or a little more. I went out to play in my $4 snow boots. My feet stayed toasty and dry. There were others out as well. Not too cold and no wind. Wish you were here, Pat.  ;D


Pat K

Wish I was too, despite the snow.

Kat Kanning

I went out walking around Goose Pond while it was snowing  :eastsnow: