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Does Dada Have a Brother in California?

Started by Spencer, December 30, 2006, 05:06 PM NHFT

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Clown puts on happy face but mourns death of Gerald Ford

Friday, December 29, 2006

(12-29) 18:25 PST Palm Desert, Calif. (AP) --

Harpo T. Clown painted on a happy face, then stood sadly Friday in front of the church where Gerald Ford, the former president he called a friend, was being remembered by family and well-wishers.

The colorful character wore blue and white sequins, a neon green fuzzy wig and white floppy shoes and stood just beyond the police barricade near the church.

The clown, who is mute, nodded when asked if he was sad. He pulled out a scrapbook of photographs showing him standing alongside President Ford at various charitable events and golf tournaments in the area. He also attended the Grand Rapids, Mich., opening of Ford's presidential museum in 1982.

Harpo, who lives in Palm Springs but won't divulge his real name, nodded vigorously when asked if he was a Republican and when asked if he missed his friend, President Ford.

When Palm Desert police officers walked up to check him out, he maintained his silence and scribbled down notes which the officers read before walking away.

To get into the church to pay his respects, Harpo would have had to go to a public staging area five miles away for a bus escort. He chose to stay close to the barricades outside the church.

URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/n/a/2006/12/29/state/n182504S72.DTL



Police barricades and cops. Force initiators to the end, eh? 8-) Just goes to show that they fear the people and know that most of us don't like them, though few do anything about it unfortunately.

Lloyd Danforth

I don't know who this Liberty Zombie is, but, his avatar scares the Hell out of me