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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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I Hate Ice!!!

Started by Raineyrocks, January 02, 2007, 02:55 PM NHFT

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Quote from: CNHT on January 03, 2007, 06:06 PM NHFT
Here ya go Rains, just for you!

Wow!  Can you take it out of the picture and put it in my driveway? Wouldn't that be great! Thanks! ;D


Quote from: raineyrocks on January 03, 2007, 06:07 PM NHFT
Okay I would love you to look over any letters I write to the editors, thanks! Thank you for explaining those articles to me also.  So should I start by getting the Sunday local papers here in Campton and reply to letters already printed in that edition?  Or should I just pick a topic I feel strongly about and write a fresh topic letter?  I'm thinking until I get the hang of writing to newspapers that replying would be a better idea, what's your opinion?

Well, you can do both! You can write to your local papers literally, and also use the links for the online papers, you can find a good list of those on Joel Winter's website at http://www.joelwinters.org/activism.php or on any former candidates site that was made by me.

If you choose a letter to counter, that will help you organize your thoughts about redistributionism and government control. It's all about the money and the control, and if you understand those two basic concepts, you'll be fine. (I always say, taxation and guns are  my issues, not necessarily in that order! For without your money and your guns, they really do have control and everything else is moot.)

The UN thing is outside of NH but it does affect us locally because they just about control our school systems and what is taught there and how it is taught. I don't want to scare you too much since you have a few kids in school, but you need to know what to look for.

Anyway, in NH we face a minority but growing group of people who are going to try to put pressure on the gov to have a sales or income tax, whining about the property tax. Fact is we STILL pay the second least taxes per person than any other state in the union.

If we followed the Marxist credo of 'from each according to his ability' then someone who is rich enough to fund education for everyone should be forced to right? WRONG!
This discourages anyone from getting ahead in life.

Also if you read the lefty letters in the Monitor, at the bottom at the right, there is a link to click and it brings up a form and you can paste in your message there.
Have your message ready to paste in and you're good to go!

Don't worry, you'll be up to speed soon, I'm sure of it.  ;)

Vote Tyler Stearns

Hi Rainey:
I was sick with that nasty cold/flu thing, am feeling much better but now have a wicked cough...thanks for asking. 

My road is moderately steep, but long and curvy, 1 mile from "main" road to our driveway, then our driveway is 350 feet long and a 14% grade on a curve. 

Re letters to editor...do you read our local weekly "The Record Enterprise"?  There are a couple of locals that are always submitting political-type letters to the Record.  You shouldn't worry about not sounding like an expert.  I think LTE are great ways to expose people to other points of view.  I say DO IT!

Re PLN...I've enjoyed our get-togethers too.  Next meeting will be at our house -- need to set a date. 

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: CNHT on January 03, 2007, 03:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on January 03, 2007, 06:12 AM NHFT
Quote from: Brock on January 02, 2007, 04:53 PM NHFT
Are studded tires legal in your area?  If not, chains are a pain in the butt, but they work.

I must learn about these things, I didn't even know they made studded tires, thanks! :D

I would never be without my studs.  ;D

Jane is surrounded by them wherever she goes


Here you go:


In the LTE's they have online I noticed this letter. It is pertaining to Plymouth but it speaks to the importance of getting to your town meeting to CURTAIL SPENDING that will raise your taxes.

Is it all worth it?
Dear Editor
Is it worth the effort to go to the various town meetings? There have been so many people who have tried to do the right thing by controlling the spending that Plymouth seems so reckless about.

Anyway, there are TONS of letters there you could respond to, almost 5 pages worth...check it out!

I was pleased to see among other things, an expose of Mike Asselin (RINO) who is pushing new taxes to fund education, and trying to fool people into thinking it will reduce property taxes, and not pleased that your new Senator Deb Reynolds (D) will be supporting all sorts of new controls including a smoking ban and speed limit on boats in the lake! (Someone was praising her for that, so it needs an opposing view)

There is something you can write about immediately. I am sure she will read an open letter to the public, and directed at her, will have an impact.

She is Campton's Senator:


There was just so much meat in those letters my blood was boiling!!!


QuoteRe letters to editor...do you read our local weekly "The Record Enterprise"?
Wow, your driveway sounds very interesting and scary in the snow. :D  I read The Record a couple times a month but I am going to start reading it weekly now. Thanks!


QuoteHere you go:


In the LTE's they have online I noticed this letter. It is pertaining to Plymouth but it speaks to the importance of getting to your town meeting to CURTAIL SPENDING that will raise your taxes.

Is it all worth it?
Dear Editor
Is it worth the effort to go to the various town meetings? There have been so many people who have tried to do the right thing by controlling the spending that Plymouth seems so reckless about.

Anyway, there are TONS of letters there you could respond to, almost 5 pages worth...check it out!

Thank you very much I will check these letters out.  I have another sick child I have to take to the doctors today so I will look at them tonight. Thanks again, you are always such a big help to me! :)

Vote Tyler Stearns

It's amazing what goes on in these small communities....CNHT, thanks for reminding us that we can start making our freedom voices heard right here in our small towns. 


Quote from: malevil on January 05, 2007, 07:14 AM NHFT
It's amazing what goes on in these small communities....CNHT, thanks for reminding us that we can start making our freedom voices heard right here in our small towns. 

Absolutely... that is my job.
This is why income tax and sales tax are UNDESIRABLE ways to tax.
Property taxes are controlled LOCALLY and thus you can rally the troops as DREEPA has in his town and vote NO to all their budget frivolities.
You can lower your tax burden by your living arrangements and town spending habits.
It's DOABLE...

Please do NOT ever sit out your town meeting or deliberative session. It pains me when in a town of 13,000 voters, 100 show up and 70 are liberals who will determine the tax rate for the whole town!

It's ONE OR TWO nights from your schedule. If you work nights your EMPLOYER should let you have it off. It is worth it to take it off without pay. If you need a sitter it is worth it to hire one, or BRING THE KIDS WITH YOU, babies and all. THAT IS the NH 'way'.  :-)

Old ladies knitting, young mothers with babies, executives with cell phones, that is NH town meeting...
Keep the tradition.


Yes, as I just advised Rainey, you can start doing something to influence LESS GOVERNMENT RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE NOW without going very far.

Town meeting season will be upon us soon and I am very very busy helping local groups get up to speed.

Now is the time to RECRUIT and EDUCATE (via LTE's, websites, flyers and meetings, and yes, demonstrations such as the excellent one Dave just pulled) and they are all using their local taxpayer groups to do this.

They are gearing up to fight these anti-pledge idiots who will, you can BE SURE, have a presence at these meetings to denounce candidates that have taken or will take the PLEDGE.

Don't let them get away with it!

And as you've just seen, you don't even need to bog yourself down with paper newspapers,  most of it is ONLINE. I hate lugging papers to the dump so I deal online only.
I perform the many facets of my job right from here.

Go get yourself a few Google 'alerts' for the key phrases TAXES, VIEW TAX, Income Tax, NH, or whatever else is you beef, etc... and it will come right to your email.


Quote from: raineyrocks on January 05, 2007, 06:31 AM NHFT
Thank you very much I will check these letters out.  I have another sick child I have to take to the doctors today so I will look at them tonight. Thanks again, you are always such a big help to me! :)

Hope your kid is OK and it's a pleasure to help in any way I can.

The only 3 things we want people to remember who came here are:

1 - Be a good neighbor and fit in with the natives
2 - Get active in any way you can to INFORM and EDUCATE others eventually
3 - At minimum while you are settling, PLEASE VOTE because if you don't, you're just letting the enemy get ahead

The letters online were so meaty on that paper, that I am now adding it to my list of papers on the activism pages.

Vote Tyler Stearns

Want to come to the next Plymouth Liberty Network meeting as a motivational "guest speaker?"


Quote from: malevil on January 05, 2007, 01:18 PM NHFT
Want to come to the next Plymouth Liberty Network meeting as a motivational "guest speaker?"

I'd love to.. Email me off board and we'll talk.


My dad had an old nova.  Drove it until he thought it to be unsafe.  Shortly before he prohibited us kids(at the time) from even being in it, he once told me if I smell any gas, to get out of the car without being told.  That was the last time i was in the car. 


we had a 75 or 76  Nova for about 20 years. Went through three generations of our family. Originally it was three speed standard on the column. That was interesting. Into the nineties we started running across peole who coupldn't figure out how to drive it. It was fun to hand the keys to valet kids and watch them try to start it. When my eldst son got it in 95, he had a friend move the column to the floor. That took all the fun out of the car.



I love Nova memories and stories, thanks for sharing!  I drove in a "weird to me" car with a three speed shifter on a column I forget what kind of car it was because my friend was driving it for someone else for a day and took me for a ride, it looked confusing that's what I remember.
I was driving my Nova after I bought it and went over a puddle and the water splashed up on me, here there was a hole in the driver's side floor so Rick cut out a steel square and put it over the hole, problem solved.  I also remember right after I bought it, it needed gas and I couldn't find where to put the gas in so I asked some guy at the pumps and he showed me that it was under the back liscense plate and I thought that was just so cool.
Thanks for sharing the memories, it was neato! ;D