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President Bush wants to open your mail!

Started by error, January 04, 2007, 09:24 PM NHFT

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President Bush, in one of his infamous signing statements, claimed the authority to open Americans' mail without a warrant to collect foreign intelligence or in "exigent circumstances." :o



I've got nothing to hide . . . as long as he doesn't open the discretely labeled "sporting goods" packages I get.  Well, he can open them, but I get first crack with them.


I loved the New York Daily News graphic for this story:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: error on January 04, 2007, 09:24 PM NHFT
President Bush, in one of his infamous signing statements, claimed the authority to open Americans' mail without a warrant to collect foreign intelligence or in "exigent circumstances." :o

Is there some way to get rid of a president under "exigent circumstances?" (Non-violently, of course.)


Quote from: KurtDaBear on January 04, 2007, 10:54 PM NHFT
Is there some way to get rid of a president under "exigent circumstances?" (Non-violently, of course.)

Congress could impeach him. But don't hold your breath waiting for THAT to happen.


Quote from: error on January 04, 2007, 11:15 PM NHFT
Quote from: KurtDaBear on January 04, 2007, 10:54 PM NHFT
Is there some way to get rid of a president under "exigent circumstances?" (Non-violently, of course.)

Congress could impeach him. But don't hold your breath waiting for THAT to happen.

If they did that, that'd just start a new conspiracy theory: Dick Cheney organized the impeachment proceedings so he could become president!  The idiots even put it on their PNAC website!  It's all here:  www.freewebs.com/dick-chaney-orginized-the-impeechment.html!  What?  The typos?  No, they're not typos, they're, um, intentional mispellings so the New World Order won't be able to track this key component in the Impeachment Truth Movement!


The thought of Dick Cheney as President is likely to kill any ideas of impeachment anybody might have.


So you guys don't believe that the Commander in Chief of the United States Military has the authority to conduct all aspects of warfare against enemies of the United States?


Quote from: mvpel on January 05, 2007, 09:43 AM NHFT
So you guys don't believe that the Commander in Chief of the United States Military has the authority to conduct all aspects of warfare against enemies of the United States?

Nope, I believe the public servant who heads our government is subject to the laws of the land just like anybody else.  And besides, the president is only commander-in-chief while the country is legitimately at war, which we are not. 


Quote from: mvpel on January 05, 2007, 09:43 AM NHFT
So you guys don't believe that the Commander in Chief of the United States Military has the authority to conduct all aspects of warfare against enemies of the United States?

Of course not!  Do you realize the implications of that blanket statement you support?  I'm not saying Bush has plans for this or not, but under your principles, the Commander in Chief could use the military to set up internment camps for any kind of Americans as he wants if he thought it was a necessary action for "warfare against enemies of the United States."  That's totalitarianism, and it should not be tolerated.


I've changed my mind on this.  I don't get much of interest in the mail, so I hereby give Pres. Bush permission to open my mail providing that he pays all the bills.


Hey, George W. Bush can have my credit card statements... it's not like he's any more responsible than I am at the moment.

Regarding impeachment, isn't it the case that the only person to submit a bill for impeachment was former rep. Cynthia McKinney at the end of her term?  (A royally gutless move, by the way, as she had at least a full two years to submit such a bill and didn't until it wouldn't matter to her political career if it flagged.  ::))

Chances are that Dems aren't going to bother impeaching George W. Bush as they're happy enough being back in power, but I suppose I could be wrong on that score.

I mean... if they haven't impeached him by NOW, what could they possibly be waiting for?

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: mvpel on January 05, 2007, 09:43 AM NHFT
So you guys don't believe that the Commander in Chief of the United States Military has the authority to conduct all aspects of warfare against enemies of the United States?

No there are limits.
Unless you'd like the same unlimited flexibility given to your political opponents.


Quote from: eques on January 05, 2007, 10:23 AM NHFT

Chances are that Dems aren't going to bother impeaching George W. Bush as they're happy enough being back in power, but I suppose I could be wrong on that score.

I mean... if they haven't impeached him by NOW, what could they possibly be waiting for?

I believe you're correct.  They can't afford to impeach him because he's the bogeyman who makes them look like an attractive alternative (not to mention the problem of who would replace him).


Democrats are split on this, really.  Some strategists would like to see them hold aggressive hearings and take a stab at impeachment.  If it plays out well, 2008 is a cakewalk for the dems.  Other strategists are saying they should proceed with caution until they get the presidency back in 2008.