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Media works overtime to predict doom and gloom

Started by CNHT, January 10, 2007, 05:58 PM NHFT

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Or, how to make something bad out of something good.
It's like saying, "my kid gets all A's in school, but just wait -- he'll fall on his face soon."

Since they can't criticize how well the state has been run for the last 84 years, they must predict gloom and doom to prepare us all for the nanny-statism that will be on such a level as we've never seen before.

N.H.?s edge seen dulling worldwide
By KEVIN LANDRIGAN, Telegraph Staff
Published: Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007

For the first time in more than 15 years, the New England Economic Project is forecasting New Hampshire?s economic growth will be slower than the national average. Here is the forecast for annual growth between 2005-10 for New Hampshire, the nation, region and each New England state.

N.H.:    2.2 percent
MASS.: 2.8 percent
VT.:    2 percent
MAINE: 1.4 percent
CONN.: 1.9 percent
R.I.:    1.5 percent
NEW ENGLAND: 2.3 percent
U.S.: 3.2 percent

CONCORD ? New Hampshire?s low-tax and low-cost reputation as a place to do business is not enough to succeed in a global economy, a leading New England economist told legislative budget and tax bill writers Tuesday.

[HUH? Someone wanna translate that for me?]

The new legislative leaders [and we knew it was about them -- they have no problems to fix so they have to create some] in charge of writing the next two-year budget ? and finding the money to pay for it ? got this sobering forecast from Ross Gittell, vice president of the New England Economic Project.

?Low taxes, low real estate taxes and relatively low costs, except for energy, that?s been a source of economic advantage for some time,? Gittell began.

?We are now competing, not just with Vermont and Massachusetts, but with China and India. We can?t rely on a low-cost advantage to sustain a high-income, high quality-of-life economy.?

The House and Senate Finance and Ways and Means Committee hosted the first of three days of extensive background sessions as lawmakers began their 2007 legislative efforts.

The Democratic takeover of the Legislature for the first time in more than a century has its leaders working overtime on economic and budget briefings.

Today, Stephen Norton, executive director of the New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies, will unveil a report on state budget trends for the past 10 years.

Administrative Services Commissioner Donald Hill will speak on the effort to overhaul the state budget, and financial reporting known as the Enterprise Resource Planning project.

Attorney General Kelly Ayotte will speak on the school finance case and lawsuits regarding a former prison guard charged with sexual harassment.

Since the early-1990s, New Hampshire has led the region on job growth, low unemployment and high per capita income of its residents.

But, Gittell said, over the next three to five years, the entire Northeast will slump and New Hampshire will lag behind the nation on economic growth.

?New Hampshire is a leader in New England, arguably in the whole Northeast. This part of the country is lagging behind the U.S. growth, and the country?s growth has moderated,? Gittell said.

The slump in the real estate market seems headed for a ?soft landing,? Gittell continued, but all bets are off if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates.

New Hampshire?s employment will only grow about 1 percent a year through 2010, and Gittell said there?s a silver lining to that.

?Some people see this a relatively good news because there were concerns in the 1990s that New Hampshire was growing too fast and developing problems with sprawl and over-development,? Gittell said.

?Some of this moderate growth gives the state time to set policy.?

Robert Tannenwald, with the Federal Research Bank, said the American middle-class is ?tapped out? in consumer debt again and the nation has enjoyed an economic recovery that had little job growth.

?We have a jobless or even job-loss economy,? he said.
It's called media spin.
This is similar to the current governor who made up a $300M deficit when in fact we had a SURPLUS.

Tyler Stearns

Quote from: CNHT on January 10, 2007, 05:58 PM NHFT
CONCORD ? New Hampshire?s low-tax and low-cost reputation as a place to do business is not enough to succeed in a global economy, a leading New England economist told legislative budget and tax bill writers Tuesday...

...?We are now competing, not just with Vermont and Massachusetts, but with China and India. We can?t rely on a low-cost advantage to sustain a high-income, high quality-of-life economy.?

Wow, I don't think this "economist" has an subconscious bias.  So having low taxes and being a good place to do business aren't good for...uhh...business?  And now we can't rely on a low-cost advantage to have high incomes?  So I'm guessing he would suggest we tax more so that we can create a higher stander of living!


Quote from: Tyler Stearns on January 10, 2007, 06:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on January 10, 2007, 05:58 PM NHFT
CONCORD ? New Hampshire?s low-tax and low-cost reputation as a place to do business is not enough to succeed in a global economy, a leading New England economist told legislative budget and tax bill writers Tuesday...

...?We are now competing, not just with Vermont and Massachusetts, but with China and India. We can?t rely on a low-cost advantage to sustain a high-income, high quality-of-life economy.?

Wow, I don't think this "economist" has an subconscious bias.  So having low taxes and being a good place to do business aren't good for...uhh...business?  And now we can't rely on a low-cost advantage to have high incomes?  So I'm guessing he would suggest we tax more so that we can create a higher stander of living!

Yup that's just what they are prepping us up for...

What's right is wrong and wrong is right, good is bad and bad is good. It's the 'communist' way of muddying things. And definitely a bull* piece of propaganda.
Welcome to the world of Kevin Landrigan, the left wing media and the 'new paradigm'.

We have competed with Vermont very nicely thank you very much since Vermont has taxed itself right out of the universe. No one wants to start a business there.

Tyler Stearns

Quote from: CNHT on January 10, 2007, 06:32 PM NHFT

We have competed with Vermont very nicely thank you very much since Vermont has taxed itself right out of the universe. No one wants to start a business there.

I read that study about Vermont/New Hampshire on the CNHT site.  I think that pretty much reinforces our point.


Why are these reporters not even making the slightest attempt to interview anybody who could tell them exactly how loony these people are?
* error waves to the half dozen or so reporters who monitor this forum.


Quote from: error on January 10, 2007, 10:05 PM NHFT
Why are these reporters not even making the slightest attempt to interview anybody who could tell them exactly how loony these people are?
* error waves to the half dozen or so reporters who monitor this forum.

Resistance is futile! We are the Borg!

Seriously, this is a BLATANT attempt to DOWNPLAY the 'NH ADVANTAGE' so that when they screw us up and down, we won't think it's too bad.



Quote from: aries on January 11, 2007, 07:38 PM NHFT
Economic growth !== prosperity and happiness

This is so they can take something that has always been good and make it look like there is something to fix.
Because they will never live it down.



A little info on these people. They'll have the democrat's ears because they will tell them what they want to hear.  


Quote from: anthonybpugh on January 11, 2007, 08:20 PM NHFT

A little info on these people. They'll have the democrat's ears because they will tell them what they want to hear.  



(welcome back, I'm giving this forum one more shot as a new years resolution)

Did you see the telegraph today?


They look for problems so they can take more money from the rest of us and redistribute.  Read the very bottom of that article where they discuss changing the terms used to better win the argumens.  Sickening.

And not once do they mention taking responsibility for ones own actions.


Quote from: lildog on January 12, 2007, 09:29 AM NHFT
(welcome back, I'm giving this forum one more shot as a new years resolution)

Did you see the telegraph today?


They look for problems so they can take more money from the rest of us and redistribute.  Read the very bottom of that article where they discuss changing the terms used to better win the argumens.  Sickening.

And not once do they mention taking responsibility for ones own actions.

They are just prepping us up for passing more nanny state laws......
But this scandal is going to do them in, so I'm not worried.
The whole party is going to come down because of it...because I really think they all knew for years about this.


What I think the gov't and its supporters are trying to do is build a case for higher taxes.  They can't say 'we need to raise taxes', because they will pay at the next election.  Rather, they are trying to build support with the bulk of voters to increase their own taxes.  That is why the hyperbole is used. 
Welcome back lildog.