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Started by Kat Kanning, March 23, 2005, 11:48 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: KBCraig on January 23, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT
"When someone is pointing a twelve-gauge shotgun at your brisket, it might not be amiss to treat their every word like a Commandment straight from the lips of God."
- LawDog
guys with guns do not make commandments worthy of following


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 15, 2007, 12:43 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on January 23, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT
"When someone is pointing a twelve-gauge shotgun at your brisket, it might not be amiss to treat their every word like a Commandment straight from the lips of God."
- LawDog
guys with guns do not make commandments worthy of following

The commandment in that case (from a private citizen), was, "Stop trying to kick in my door and assault my child."

Sounds like a worthy commandment to me.



Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 15, 2007, 12:43 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on January 23, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT
"When someone is pointing a twelve-gauge shotgun at your brisket, it might not be amiss to treat their every word like a Commandment straight from the lips of God."
- LawDog
guys with guns do not make commandments worthy of following

Not worthy but awfully compelling.

Lloyd Danforth

Yup!  They got a gun on you you gotta do whatever you can to 'simmer down' the situation and stay alive long enough to achieve a position where you can kill them

Russell Kanning

Lloyd Danforth


Turn the other cheek


do whatever you can to 'simmer down' the situation and stay alive long enough to achieve a position where you can kill them

Russell Kanning

an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind .... or something like that from gandhi

kill or be killed will leave the world pretty empty :(

Lloyd Danforth

I'm not sure if

"If everybody jumped off a bridge does that mean you would too?"

belongs here or not, but, I thought of it.

One could argue that if an eye for an eye, or, even better, an eye for an eye plus costs were initiated more often, there would be less and less need for it due to most people understanding cause and effect.

I don't see the whole world doing it until everyone is blind or dead.  It goes against my observation that people are, basically, good. 

It reminds me of many conservatives claims about legalizing drugs.  You know!  Where  they insult the entire population.  "Legalize Drugs and Everyone will be taking them!"

Russell Kanning

goin' old testament on ya .... like Ed Brown

18'(A)You shall not take vengeance, (B)nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but (C)you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD.


Many of the statists actually hate themselves.


Thanks to the AK-47 you can now protect your home from over 200 burglars at once!


A fox should not be of the jury at a goose's trial. - Thomas Fuller


"He who waits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do anything." - Samuel Johnson


" . . . When right, to be kept right; when wrong, to be put right." - Carl Schuz


"Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars - must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation." Martin Luther King, Jr.