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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Kat Kanning, March 23, 2005, 11:48 AM NHFT

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When tyrants tremble, sick with fear,
And hear their death-knell ringing,
When friends rejoice both far and near,
How can I keep from singing?
In prison cell and dungeon vile
Our thoughts to them are winging.
When friends by shame are undefiled,
How can I keep from singing?

--Ro­bert Low­ry (1860)


Can I run a tab? - Gov. Spitzer


We live small lives on the periphery; we are marginalized and there's
a great deal in which we choose not to participate. We wanted silence
and we have that silence now. We arrived here speckled in sores and
zits, our colons so tied in knots that we never thought we'd have a
bowel movement again. Our systems had stopped working, jammed with the
odor of copy machines, White-Out, the smell of bond paper, and the
endless stress of pointless jobs done grudgingly to little applause.
We had com­pulsions that made us confuse shopping with creativity, to
take downers and assume that merely renting a video on a Saturday
night was enough. But now that we live here in the desert, things are
much, much better.

Douglas Coupland
_ Generation X _ 1991

Pat K


Dr. No"We cannot even maintain a zinc standard"
This quote is relavent to the fact that the price of the metal in the penny and nickel, depending on the fluctuations, is greater then the face value of the coin itself.  Congress wants to autorize cheaper coinage.   ;D

Pat K

I will not attack your doctrines nor your creeds if they accord liberty to me. If they hold thought to be dangerous - if they aver that doubt is a crime, then I attack them one and all, because they enslave the minds of men.
Robert Green Ingersoll


"Does this town need a hug or what?"  -- Jon Stewart, hosting the 2008 Academy Awards

And that's all I have to say about that.  (Forrest Gump)


Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.


See Bill,
See Bill Run,



To you who desire to cross this threshold, do you know what
awaits you?

        I know, replied the girl.
        Cold, hunger, abhorrence, derision, contempt, abuse, prison,
disease and death!

      I know, I am ready, I shall endure all blows.
        Not from enemies alone, but also from relatives, from friends.
        Yes, even from them...
       Are you ready even to commit a crime?
       I am ready for crime, too.
       Do you know that you may be disillusioned in that which you
believe, that you may discover that you were mistaken, that you ruined
your young life in vain?

        I know that, too.
        The girl crossed the threshold, and a heavy curtain fell
behind her.
        Fool! said someone, gnashing his teeth.
        Saint! someone uttered in reply.
        --Ivan Turgenev


We reject kings, presidents and voting.
We believe in rough consensus and running code.

--Dave Clark
IETF conference  7/16/1992

Pat K

  You can pretend to be serious, but you can't pretend to be witty.
                                                            -Sacha Guitry

Pat K

 Occam's Razor does not apply to women.

Pat K

E. M. Forster described them as,

    "Not an aristocracy of power, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, considerate and the plucky. Its members are to be found in all nations and classes and through the ages, and they know each other when they meet. ... Authority, seeing their value, tries to net them and to utilize them. ... But they slip through the net and are gone; when the door is shut they are no longer in the room; Their temple is the Holiness of the Heart's Imagination, and their kingdom, though they never possess it, is the wide open world."

Kat Kanning

"I have never seen more Senators express discontent with their jobs ... we have been accomplices to doing something terrible and unforgivable to this wonderful country... we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected."
-- John Danforth
Republican Senator from Missouri
Source: in an interview in The Arizona Republic on April 22, 1992

Ya suppose that's a relative of "our" Danforth?