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Kannings on CNN for Ed Brown

Started by FTL_Ian, January 18, 2007, 09:58 PM NHFT

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Nice to see this story hitting the big time :)


Michael Fisher

"If I happen to be killed or imprisoned, or if my wife happens to be killed or imprisoned, those responsible will join us."
-Ed Brown

I'm not so sure about this guy's use of threatening language.  :o :o :o

Michael Fisher

Congratulations, Kat and Russell, on the CNN coverage. Great quotes!


Quote from: Michael Fisher on January 18, 2007, 11:52 PM NHFT
"If I happen to be killed or imprisoned, or if my wife happens to be killed or imprisoned, those responsible will join us."
-Ed Brown

I'm not so sure about this guy's use of threatening language.  :o :o :o
It's good to be extreme. No one ever accomplishes anything meaningful, nobody will do anything revolutionary by being toned-down and moderate.


Quote from: Michael Fisher on January 18, 2007, 11:52 PM NHFT
"If I happen to be killed or imprisoned, or if my wife happens to be killed or imprisoned, those responsible will join us."
-Ed Brown

I'm not so sure about this guy's use of threatening language.  :o :o :o

Ed is clearly fatigued.  He hasn't been sleeping much and just discovered he and Elaine had been found guilty.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 19, 2007, 12:20 AM NHFT
Ed is clearly fatigued.  He hasn't been sleeping much and just discovered he and Elaine had been found guilty.

Battle fatigue is a very important factor. The multiple news reports are all using the same quotes, with their small variations of wording to make it look like an exclusive interview. Reality is, Ed is a man who is physically and emotionally exhausted; anyone in a position to "handle" Ed should strongly advise him to STFU. Not for legal or strategic reasons, but just for the sake of Ed's mental health.

A sole designated "family spokesman" is very appropriate at this time. Ed shouldn't be talking directly to reporters and worrying about Elaine and planning his personal self defense and planning defense of his home and worrying about how the press portrays him while he's under so much stress.

Wish I was there.  :-\



Travelocity has last-minute flight/hotel packages from Houston-Manchester from $316 round trip. ;)

Kat Kanning

Yes, please send in the hordes who will tell him how to take his stand against the government the RIGHT way.  Everyone who takes a stand needs this.  "Oh if only I were there"  What COMPLETE HORSESHIT!  You imprison guys like Ed Brown, not help them.  Quit pretending, fedguy.


So the U.S. Marshall is on record as saying "they" won't attack his house. All that means is that it'll be the FBI or BATF.


Quote from: coffeeseven on January 19, 2007, 06:05 AM NHFT
So the U.S. Marshall is on record as saying "they" won't attack his house. All that means is that it'll be the FBI or BATF.

No, all it means is they weren't going to attack his house right at that moment. This weekend, however, that may change.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Michael Fisher on January 18, 2007, 11:52 PM NHFT
"If I happen to be killed or imprisoned, or if my wife happens to be killed or imprisoned, those responsible will join us."
-Ed Brown

I'm not so sure about this guy's use of threatening language.  :o :o :o

Threatening from the grave or prison?    Maybee he thinks god or that failed carpenter you are always quoting will take care of it

Russell Kanning

Quote from: KBCraig on January 19, 2007, 02:33 AM NHFT
Battle fatigue is a very important factor.
Wish I was there.  :-\

Battle fatigue doesn't hit to fed jailers sitting in a chair.
If you were here .... you would be sitting in a Berlin Fed prison waiting for your new prisoner, while you sipped coffee and ate dunkin donuts.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on January 19, 2007, 07:31 AM NHFT
Threatening from the grave or prison?    Maybee he thinks god or that failed carpenter you are always quoting will take care of it
Exactly .... btw Ed calls himself an old testament guy .... I don't think he likes Jesus much.
Do you really think that Jesus Christ was just a failed carpenter?