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Vertigo-ish Symptom?

Started by eques, January 21, 2007, 12:47 AM NHFT

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Quote from: error on January 21, 2007, 10:46 PM NHFT
That's horrible. I'd have to go find new eyes if anything like that happened to me.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, pal. :P ;)

I think it's probably my brain, anyway, and not my eyes.  Which is just, you know, fantastic.


You know, they're making great progress on brain transplants.... ;D


Eques, error, if I should die a premature death, I want you to know that y'all are welcome to my eyes.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: error on January 21, 2007, 10:46 PM NHFT
That's horrible. I'd have to go find new eyes if anything like that happened to me.

Should we call you Geordie now?

Vote Tyler Stearns

How are you feeling today, Eques?  Are you going to clinic tomorrow?


Feeling considerably better today.  Had some of that very tasty mac & cheese for lunch (and I used fresh green beans instead of canned for dinner)! ;D

I'll go to the clinic, but now that the symptoms have abated, it's kind of like, "Oh, well, you're feeling better?  Okay."  I mean, I hope that's not their reaction, but, at the same time, I'm not sure what it is they'll do.

But yes yes, I will go.  :)  Thanks for reminding me.

Vote Tyler Stearns


Quote from: malevil on January 24, 2007, 07:27 AM NHFT
How you doing today?

I'm doing fine today...

I meant to post last night that I stopped by the clinic and there was a rather long line.  I think I'll have to get there much earlier next time.

So yeah, I didn't end up seeing anybody.  No, they didn't turn me away--I left.  I'll just have to cope until then (as long as it's not debilitating).

Vote Tyler Stearns

Glad to hear you're feeling better...and glad to hear you're going to try the clinic again.

Michael Fisher

Do not forget the cure-all:

Capsaicin!  ;D


Quote from: Michael Fisher on January 26, 2007, 09:13 PM NHFT
Do not forget the cure-all:

Capsaicin!  ;D

Is that cayenne pepper?  If it is I have a bottle and I haven't taken it yet but I guess I should. I read it can clean your arteries!  Somewhere I read (might've been here, not sure) that if you take cayenne pepper mixed with vinegar and manuka honey twice a day you will be very healthy. Have you ever heard of that? :)

Kat Kanning

Russell got a bloody nose and passed out once.  I gave him a huge dose of cayenne and he said his brain fog/dizziness (and the nose bleed) cleared right up.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on January 28, 2007, 06:24 AM NHFT
Russell got a bloody nose and passed out once.  I gave him a huge dose of cayenne and he said his brain fog/dizziness (and the nose bleed) cleared right up.
Um, did he thank you, or cuss at you?   :-X
