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FTL's "cat out of the bag"

Started by KBCraig, January 30, 2007, 02:29 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

That is a whole other factor .... you like to have full info about what you are paying for. I don't like to give to organizations that spend money on causes I don't support.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Friday on February 09, 2007, 07:13 AM NHFT
By the way, Russell and Kat... whichever of you bet the other that I "wouldn't last a month" needs to pay up now.   ;D
I think I was going with "less than 1 year", so I lost.
I don't think Morey will make it a year. ;)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Friday on February 09, 2007, 06:54 AM NHFT

Thanks for clarifying that you don't share private discussions... you just describe me as "beserk" to mutual friends behind my back.  ::) 

What part of 'the only thing I ever said'  don't you understand?  Also, I know you read this forum, so, it was, hardly, behind your back.  I stand behind my claim that whenever Russell came up or anything that was perceived in to be happening in  Keenecame up, while the men agreed that antics from the non political types could have a negative effect on the FSP, but, little could be done, the  women, for the most part were calling for their heads.  I can't, in all honesty, remember everything you said, but, the complaints ran along gender lines which should be a greater concern to you(if you were still on the board) than anything I said.
I believe you are sincere in your concerns about the FSP. Same with Jean.  I think it is clear from the most recent O list posts from Amanda and Lynn that they are concerned about their resumes.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Friday on February 09, 2007, 06:59 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 06, 2007, 09:08 AM NHFT
Thanks for all your answers Sandy. 8)
You're welcome.  :)
I think that FTLive will continue to talk about "illegal" activities because Ian is an anarchist and is willing to do illegal things. Sometimes I don't agree with their tactics, but it doesn't effect me much since I don't pay for their show.
I no longer pay for their show either via subsidizing the operations of the FSP.  That's an extra 2 grand in *my* bank account this year.  :D

Good for You ;)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 09, 2007, 07:47 AM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on February 09, 2007, 07:13 AM NHFT
By the way, Russell and Kat... whichever of you bet the other that I "wouldn't last a month" needs to pay up now.   ;D
I think I was going with "less than 1 year", so I lost.
I don't think Morey will make it a year. ;)
Morey was elected to the board in January 2006.

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning


Quote from: money dollars on February 06, 2007, 08:18 AM NHFT
How do I get on this O list?

Jason has to approve you.  He controls the list.

Lloyd Danforth

Probably has some regrets over previous decisions about it.


Quote from: Caleb on February 06, 2007, 05:19 PM NHFT
+1 for KB.  I don't know where they got this "within the political system" crap.

Um, from the FSP website, top center of the home page, where it sat for years......   ::)  Since I already had this exact same conversation with Lloyd on the O-List several months ago, I'll just copy my response to him on 7/24/2006 here:

Apologies for not providing a reference earlier.  This website: http://www.archive.org/index.php shows what websites looked like in the past.  If you type our URL in where it says Wayback Machine, you'll be presented with numerous hyperlinked dates.  Clicking on the dates shows what our website looked like at various points in the past.  I clicked on the topmost date in each of three years, 2003, 2004 and 2005, all of which show our former mission statement.

I really didn't think this was going to surprise anybody.  I don't understand why you think a fraud has been perpetrated.  If I recall correctly, the current version of the mission statement is what got some people all riled up last year, feeling that too much time was spent on it, and triggering Pat K's Underground signature "I think the BUS needs a snowplow" (I was not involved in either the crafting, or the debates of the crafting)....


Kat Kanning

All I see on the front page is

QuoteWhat the Free State Project is not... We are not a political action organization. We are not tied to any political party or organization; we do not run candidates for election, we do not financially support or endorse candidates, and we do not oppose or endorse legislation. All these things will be done by friendly organizations with which many Free Staters are involved.

Lloyd Danforth

If I remember accurately, The discussion was that the original MS stated participants would work politically.  It was changed and made more inclusive, by the board, without feedback from members, who, had joined under a 'different' MS. I can't say I had been paying a lot of attention.  When I found out about it, I felt defrauded.  Seth pointed out it was good fraud,  and, I shouldn't complain because it made the FSP more inclusive, which is a good thing. I agree, but, it was still done behind members backs or, at least, without asking them.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 10, 2007, 09:25 AM NHFT
All I see on the front page is

QuoteWhat the Free State Project is not... We are not a political action organization. We are not tied to any political party or organization; we do not run candidates for election, we do not financially support or endorse candidates, and we do not oppose or endorse legislation. All these things will be done by friendly organizations with which many Free Staters are involved.

The FSP mission statement was, for years, "...work within the political system...."  In 2005 the Board-at-that-time reworked the mission statement, taking a great deal of criticism and jibes from some people on this forum for doing so.  Now, some of the very same people are claiming that the mission statement was never reworded in the first place.  :P

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: the beserker on February 10, 2007, 09:43 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 10, 2007, 09:25 AM NHFT
All I see on the front page is

QuoteWhat the Free State Project is not... We are not a political action organization. We are not tied to any political party or organization; we do not run candidates for election, we do not financially support or endorse candidates, and we do not oppose or endorse legislation. All these things will be done by friendly organizations with which many Free Staters are involved.

The FSP mission statement was, for years, "...work within the political system...."  In 2005 the Board-at-that-time reworked the mission statement, taking a great deal of criticism and jibes from some people on this forum for doing so. 
I said I wasn't paying attention
QuoteNow, some of the very same people are claiming that the mission statement was never reworded in the first place.  :P
Not Me!  Although, there was something about the original 'sell' for the FSP, that lead me to believe it was inclusive since the beginning.


You know, not many have been around as long as I have. My member number was pretty low having joined in early 2002. I can't swear what was on the front page, but whatever it was, I never felt that we were signing on to required political activity. I knew some would, but there was also a lot of liberty friendly community building suggestions as possible activism. I was really shocked when some members seemed to demand political activity "because that's what we all signed up for". It is so unlibertarian.
