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The Baghdad Bloodbath------From The Bat Cave Blog

Started by batmanchester, February 03, 2007, 10:12 AM NHFT

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I intended today to write a piece on my thoughts concerning tommorrow's Super Bowl. Try to lighten the mood as it were. But after the latest truck bombing in a crowded market today in Baghdad, I decided that it was more important to rage against the escalalation in violence in Iraq.

This latest murderous attack has killed over 100 people and wounded over 215 people, and they haven't even finshed pulling all of the bodies out of the conflagration. What does it take for someone to load enough explosives into a truck, drive into a crowded market as though they were delivering goods for the days barter, and detonate the bomb in the midst of a huge crowd of innocent people? What sort of person kills innocents, and then claims martyrdom for dying in a jihad. A jihad would entail combat against enemy forces, not the killing of innocents, which is prohibted by the Quran. Attacks such as this are little more than racist attacks, what we call hate crimes were it to be done here in this country.

And then we have Mr.Bush. he's speaking right now to the Democrats at a meeting they invited him to in Williamsburg Virginia. The blather that is spewing from this man's mouth is little more than the propoganda he's been speaking all along. You know the theme. Reform entitlement programs, but raise the defense spending budget. I imagine the Pentagon needs the money to replace all of those cluster bombs the Israelis used up in their latest invasion of Lebanon. And of course, we have to pay Halliburton, Raytheon, and people like Blackwater Inc. to keep the war machine rolling along. I can not describe to you the utter contempt that I feel for this man speaking on television right now, mouthing platitudes, and speaking untruths as to what needs to be done in this country. The basic premise is to take more money from the poor and divert it to Big Business once again.

All of this at a time when our rights are being stripped away, and the police state begins to run amok upon ordinary everyday working Americans. Case in point would be an incident that happened on the corner of Concord and Hanover Streets in Manchester NH on Thursday night. Chris Sampson, who delivers boxes of matches to area bars and nightclubs was finishing his route for the day, and was infact making his last stop, before heading back to the shop to clock out. In his hurry, he dropped the boxes of matches he was carrying, and one broke open, spilling matchbooks onto the sidewalk. Along came the overzealous Manchester Police Department, who promptly ticketed Mr. Sampson for littering, even though he was in the process of gathering up the matchbooks he had dropped. What does all of this have to do with Iraq you ask? Everything. Iraq has sent home to us a plethora of mentally wounded soldiers who get sucked up immediately by police depatments, and correctional facilities. Upon entering the system, with very little training, they decide to run the streets as though they were still patrolling Baghdad, or Karbala, and abuse the rights of their fellow Americans.

It's all part of the same convoluted story, intertwined, and is not going to stop until we remove our soldiers from a battlefield that knows no borders. A battlefield that can come rushing upon a soldier when he/she least expects it. Like today. A mother and daughter head down to the goods market to pick out that days meal, but their torn, broken bodies now lie in a makeshift morgue in a land that we have destroyed, and that our President refuses to pull out of. The same President who claimed that he was sending 21,500 troops to augment the forces already in theater, but forgot to mention the support troops that would have to go along with this force, bringing the actual number of new troops to 40-45,000. And the chutzpah to ask for hundreds of billions of dollars more for his adventures while claiming the neccessity to cut veteran's programs and medicaid for children.

If this rant seems rather angry today, well, it is, and I am. I am sick of our Congress not moving to impeach Bush and Cheney for lying to us, for attacking us, and our Constitution, and for devastating our economy with that stupid smile he always has on his face. Enjoy the Super Bowl tommorrow, and send a copy of the tape to the people of Iraq, so they know what we were doing while they were being slaughtered...............................Batmanchester
