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Warning: NHPlanner on Cyburbia

Started by planetaryjim, February 03, 2007, 04:11 PM NHFT

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Dear Friends,

Some of my friends on Free State Wyoming forum mentioned a discussion about Crook County, Wyoming taking place on this forum:

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One of the chilling aspects of the thread was the reaction to private property interests as "Free Staters" with some of the most hostile statements coming from a member of that board called NHPlanner.  NHPlanner would seem to be a planning department apparatchik in NH and evidently not very agreeable about FSP or private property in general.

The old saying goes, "Know thy enemy."  Or maybe that was "enema"?   :icon_pirat:

Anyway, in the interests of fellowship and mutual support for our common goals of individual liberty, private property, free markets, and less government, I thought it might be wise to mention that forum and suggest some lurking go on.

You never know what ya might learn.




Pat K


Absolutely.  Terrible.  And, you know, full of socialists and their evil thoughts. Thus, something to be aware of, possibly monitor, certainly factor into future thinking. 

The fact that there are bad people discussing bad ideas does not mean that good people won't win.  It does mean that we should make efforts to work together and do what we can to advance the cause of freedom.

For several months, I've been thinking about the Sons of Liberty of 1773 who reacted to the Boston Massacre by organizing the committees of correspondence and the Boston tea party.  It seems to me that we here on this group are Grandchildren of Liberty.

I'm not sure if we need to dump tea in the harbor, but there are a few things to do.  Committees of Correspondence among like minded groups (state Libertarian Party groups, Free State Wyoming, etc.) might be useful. 

Our differences of opinion certainly come up, as the now very long (130 pages?) thread on Ed Brown makes clear.  But, there are also threads of commonality.  We wouldn't be here if we didn't care a great deal about liberty.  And want to do something about it.


Quote from: planetaryjim on February 03, 2007, 07:02 PM NHFT
The fact that there are bad people discussing bad ideas does not mean that good people won't win.

I'm liking you more with every post.  ;D

( ...except for the purple...)


Pat K

I don't see a problem with the purple , it is as easy to read as black.


Urban planning is an interest of mine, and I have joined the Cyburbian community in order to give voice to the cause of freedom.  Many of the participants are university students who will never hear anything other than statist ideology.  Perhaps some will be sensible enough to grasp the truth of the philosophy of liberty, and embrace the ideals of limited government, individual rights, and personal responsibility.

Wish me luck!


Quote from: Pat K on February 04, 2007, 12:07 AM NHFT
I don't see a problem with the purple , it is as easy to read as black.

Your eyes are younger than mine.



Reads like a meeting of the Politburo!


Quote from: alaska on February 04, 2007, 07:17 PM NHFT
Can't we lure all those planners in that forum to a "free meeting" and fly the plane to North Korea where they belong?
No I think we should encourage them to move to NYC and LA they can plan those places all they want. I am sick after reading that forum.

O' Lord forgive them they no not what they do.


I spent a few mintues randomly hitting threads.

"You know best. Never tell anyone what their legal options are because the regulations are there for a purpose.  If the planning board will grant a variance, don't tell people about those because even if the planning board won't uphold the plan, you must, because you're all that stands between order and chaos.  Society will collapse without your guiding hand.  You are smarter, and better, and wiser than the public.  Lie if you must, but don't get caught lying."

That's a pretty good summary, I think.


I'll bet I know who "NH Planner" is...it sounds just like one of our town nazis.

Although it could be any of them...


Wow.  That board is...uh... Wow.

I feel somewhat nauseous.