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A free staters wanted to kill a MA "tree hugger"?

Started by lildog, February 05, 2007, 08:38 AM NHFT

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QuoteAt least no one has tried to kill her like the freestaters in Mass tried to do with someone they deemed a "treehugging liberal". (The thread that they advocated in it on was pulled by moderators but I saw it with my own eyes before it was pulled.) Someone did loosen the lug nuts on the treehuggers car and the wheel fell off after exiting the highway.


Is any of this true?????


I never heard of it.... damn... I am somewhat of a 'tree hugger'.


Quote from: Dreepa on February 05, 2007, 09:41 AM NHFT
I never heard of it.... damn... I am somewhat of a 'tree hugger'.

I always give the trees I chop down a big hug first.  ;)

Russell Kanning

I am a tree hugger. I go paperless as much as possible and cut back on our printing recently.

I have no idea what this person is talking about. When would there be freestaters talking about guys down in Mass? Freestaters in Mass can't even get a meeting going. How could they plan hurting people? :)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Dreepa on February 05, 2007, 09:41 AM NHFT
I never heard of it.... damn... I am somewhat of a 'tree hugger'.

I bet the trees 'Grunt'


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 05, 2007, 10:21 AM NHFT
I am a tree hugger. I go paperless as much as possible and cut back on our printing recently.
But do you hug the trees?

QuoteI have no idea what this person is talking about. When would there be freestaters talking about guys down in Mass? Freestaters in Mass can't even get a meeting going. How could they plan hurting people? :)

I can't imagine any of the freestaters I have met would do such a thing.


There are a lot of outright lies on that forum put out by the lefties. Someone needs to disabuse them of the fact that any FSPers have settled in Mass. or that any, ANYWHERE have ever used violence to make a point, even when they are being shoved to the floor by the feds or dragged off to the cruiser for the mere act of reading a book on someone's porch.


Speaking of trees here is a little trivia: NH has more forestation now than it did in the 1800's. There is nothing wrong with being responsible for renewing resources. Trees are good. NH, for all the accusations of it being the leave me alone state, the libertarian state, and not caring about the people, has a pretty darned good record of conservation, of health, and of educational levels of its students.

All this and the greedy ones are still screaming about education funding, global warming and redistributing the wealth and 'rethinking the NH advantage' because somehow they think it's not working... (d'uh)

Ed Mosca has a good article on education funding on the NH Insider... that talks about how we give plenty to education but it is never enough for the greedy.


People like to take silly internet posts out of context. Someone probably said something like "Bah, those stupid tree hugging hippies need to die", you know, the kind of thing people say on the internet. It means nothing.


Quote from: burnthebeautiful on February 05, 2007, 10:40 AM NHFT
People like to take silly internet posts out of context. Someone probably said something like "Bah, those stupid tree hugging hippies need to die", you know, the kind of thing people say on the internet. It means nothing.

Point, but it also brings strongly to the fore the importance of choosing our words carefully, especially since as time goes on and more people get on board, there will be increasing publicity.  (I realize that I may well be indicting myself here as I don't always watch what I say.  ::))

The fact that people are attempting to discredit what is going on means that people are beginning to notice.  A lot of people already feel threatened, and it doesn't help to have people casually suggesting that death and harm are appropriate for those who disagree.  (I daresay that's a rather statist mentality, even.)

Of course, it would be most appropriate if the author of the original quote could back up what he or she saw with an actual reference.

Russell Kanning



And right on cue, here is a bill requiring us to take heed BY LAW of the UN study as if it were gospel, put forth by an F-RATED LEGISLATOR:


Sweet Mercury

Quote from: lildog on February 05, 2007, 08:38 AM NHFT
QuoteAt least no one has tried to kill her like the freestaters in Mass tried to do with someone they deemed a "treehugging liberal". (The thread that they advocated in it on was pulled by moderators but I saw it with my own eyes before it was pulled.) Someone did loosen the lug nuts on the treehuggers car and the wheel fell off after exiting the highway.


Is any of this true?????

This has to be total bullshit.

I've seen more environmental consciousness and activism, and I've been exposed to more proactive "green" ideas on this forum full of "capitalist pigs" than any other forum I've posted on.


Here's a climate action plan: Stop basing public policy on junk science.


Quote from: Sweet Mercury on February 05, 2007, 04:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on February 05, 2007, 08:38 AM NHFT
QuoteAt least no one has tried to kill her like the freestaters in Mass tried to do with someone they deemed a "treehugging liberal". (The thread that they advocated in it on was pulled by moderators but I saw it with my own eyes before it was pulled.) Someone did loosen the lug nuts on the treehuggers car and the wheel fell off after exiting the highway.


Is any of this true?????

This has to be total bullshit.

I've seen more environmental consciousness and activism, and I've been exposed to more proactive "green" ideas on this forum full of "capitalist pigs" than any other forum I've posted on.

thanks for the compliment...