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A free staters wanted to kill a MA "tree hugger"?

Started by lildog, February 05, 2007, 08:38 AM NHFT

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Quote from: error on February 05, 2007, 04:18 PM NHFT
Here's a climate action plan: Stop basing public policy on junk science.

you are going to be on the wrong side of history...


First of all, the liberal spenders in Merrimack feel very threatened that now there are lots of people who are organized (MC) and want to cut spending.
This is quite upsetting to them because they will no longer have free reign they have enjoyed in the past when people looked the other way.

The spenders like to scream all sorts of foul such as 'outside' influence when it has no bearing and is not even true.

FACT: The people of Merrimack are fed up with the town officials and want to do something about it which is their right. No one from the 'outside' is forcing them or even helping them. If there were people helping them, they certainly would not have let their website expire and they would have been better prepared with mailings and such for their upcoming meetings.

I have never read anything about a 'freestater' trying to hurt someone in Mass or anywhere else. I don't know who that person was talking about...since they can't seem to produce a link with the story, who knows.

Another fact is, the totalitarians are VERY organized. Now that they are in power, the frivolous anti-liberty legislation is coming at us faster than we can look at the bills, testimony is being cut off or not heard, and votes are being taken in haste to ram things through. These people are very cunning and have all angles covered.

For example, the UN study on 'Global Warming' coincides with the proposal of http://www.generalcourt.org/bills/2007/HB467 AND the effort to bring up the issue at TOWN MEETINGS. They have all bases covered.

This does not bode well for private property owners.


And the IPCC report hasn't even been released! What they DID release was the "Summary for Policymakers" which is pre-digested crap meant to convince the uninitiated that global warming is going to kill us all if we don't do something about it now. The real report is going to be delayed several months while they edit it to fit the preconceived conclusions in the Summary.

And I'm sorry to whoever doesn't like this and felt the need to smite me.


Quote from: error on February 05, 2007, 04:37 PM NHFT
And the IPCC report hasn't even been released! What they DID release was the "Summary for Policymakers" which is pre-digested crap meant to convince the uninitiated that global warming is going to kill us all if we don't do something about it now. The real report is going to be delayed several months while they edit it to fit the preconceived conclusions in the Summary.

And I'm sorry to whoever doesn't like this and felt the need to smite me.

You think someone smited you for THIS? Well apparently they don't mind that this is setting us up for more gov't control over more land, and more gov't (UN) ownership of land. The UN has 'declared' many of our national heritage sites to be world heritage sites and NOT owned by the USA any longer, but owned by the 'world' and subject to the laws of the UN, not of the people who reside in the country where the land is.


Quote from: error on February 05, 2007, 04:37 PM NHFT

And I'm sorry to whoever doesn't like this and felt the need to smite me.
Well I added one back just in case... ;D

Pat K

If the tree falls on the hugger and no one is there to hear hear it
does it still make a splat-squish kind of sound?


I think it's ironic that in Merrimack, they can scream 'outside influence' if they think their people have help from a NH statewide tax group, but it's OK for them to have groups from California and the UN instigating them.


      They think a thousand people could wield that much influence in a state?
That would mean they would have to be very active politically and be able
to be heard above tens of thousands of silent constituents.   ;)

    I remember once during a REAL ID hearing at the statehouse when
a state rep referred to FSP by name once as "Those Freestaters..."
Thats when it hit home that FSP was meeting its goals by being a
thorn in the side of the once unencumbered politicians whose
leadership strategy was SPEND! SPEND! SPEND! The fed wants to
give us money $$$$ for a pilot program..if we approve this we can
get $$$ to SPEND!


Quote from: FrankChodorov on February 05, 2007, 04:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on February 05, 2007, 04:18 PM NHFT
Here's a climate action plan: Stop basing public policy on junk science.

you are going to be on the wrong side of history...

Frank, my friend, I'm afraid it is you who are going to be on the wrong side of history.  Or more appropriately, you already are on the wrong side of history.

History tells us that the earth has been far colder than it is now.  There used to be glaciers in Indiana, for instance.

The other side of that coin is that the earth has also been much warmer than it is now.  The arctic regions, for instance, used to be tropical.

Is the earth warming?  Unquestionably.  I have yet to have someone tell me a reason (other than "our precious coastal cities") that it matters.  Although I believe that the earth is warming, it isn't on my top 100,000,000,000 list of things I'm going to worry about. In fact, it may be a good  thing, as far as I'm concerned.  The earth will go on and survive, my friend.  Don't you worry about that.  So will humanity.  All this talk of global warming ends up edging out real problems, like the fact that government scientists have made some pretty nasty biological weapons.  Let's not get all caught up in knee jerk reactions to fake problems.


Just a little FYI to Frank, the same scientists that claim global warming is human caused also stated in their own research that there is little we can do to stop it. Plus, some theorize it will cause an inversion of the climate, meaning it will get cold fast within two centuries or less. So, I wouldn't worry, Nature is about balance, it'll swing back before this pot turns to ZOMG boil.

-- Bridget


Global Warming Poses Health Threats


"Everything we are seeing as likely coming out of climate change from a public health standpoint, particularly in the developed nations, can be dealt with by improving what we already do," McGeehin said. "What we are seeing is things we have seen before.

So, if we improve the public health infrastructure in the United States and other developed countries and improve surveillance and people's access to health care, we can blunt a lot of the effects of this," he said."


That's bullshit. Global warming doesn't change your health. In fact the only problem with global warming is that more land along the coastal regions will be flooded and that's it. Plus, the fact that the salination of the ocean waters will drop, thus disrupting the convention currents of the ocean waters [which could cause the next ice age...]. So... BF 2142 got it right, buy up winter gear folks, it's going to be jump jets and icebergs in the future.  :o

-- Bridget


It's all part of the We Gotta Do More plan. Health care. Environment. Disaster Relief. Education.

I reviewed a bill yesterday that would make price gouging during a declared state of emergency illegal.

We're not even treading water here. You are not going to be free to adjust to whatever changes are inevitable in your own way. You MUST go down with the ship.



Quote from: cathleeninnh on February 07, 2007, 09:19 AM NHFT
Global Warming Poses Health Threats


"Everything we are seeing as likely coming out of climate change from a public health standpoint, particularly in the developed nations, can be dealt with by improving what we already do," McGeehin said. "What we are seeing is things we have seen before.

So, if we improve the public health infrastructure in the United States and other developed countries and improve surveillance and people's access to health care, we can blunt a lot of the effects of this," he said."

Well of course! The God of Gaia is just another way to control the people when the others won't work. The earth has been warming and cooling itself for years. It's a natural cycle upon which man has little effect. It's an excuse for government to buy more lands, control your health care, and numerous other things that will contribute to instituting a global and central authority.


Quote from: ladyattis on February 07, 2007, 09:33 AM NHFT
In fact the only problem with global warming is that more land along the coastal regions will be flooded and that's it.

New York, Boston, Los Angeles and Florida... no big loss, any of them.