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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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EdBrown.Org Is up and running

Started by Critter183, February 07, 2007, 09:20 AM NHFT

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Ed needs your support more than ever, and I have created a website for the purposes of organizing the effort a little bit. It can be found at http://www.edbrown.org/

I have a bad feeling that we wasted a lot of precious publicity in the early days of this situation and a lot of people were at a loss to find pertinent information online. I felt that we needed a central point, easy to find, for interested parties to get the latest information at the house, news of any rallies, protests or meeting taking place in NH and around the country, and there really has not been such a place until now.

Well, I had built the site very early on with the intention of turning it over to Ed and/or whoever was handling getting news out. No one at the house was able to pick up the ball, so I will gladly do it. But I have lost precious time, like I said.

Please help me out if you can. Mention edbrown.org whenever you can wherever you can. Get people to get onto our yahoo groups and start some chatter about what we can do to make the public aware. Every little bit helps.

If you get any kind of media attention at all, plug edbrown.org. My work with the 2nd Amendment Sisters back in 2000 proved to me that 30 seconds of main stream attention can bring 100s of thousands of visitors to a site within minutes. Up until now, there was no one place to send those people. Now we have an easy url for people to use and plug. edbrown.org. It doesn;t get any easier. :)

I know there is a thread dedicated to Ed Brown, but I feared this would get lost on that thread and no one would see it. Please mods, keep it seperate for a little while anyway.

I am adding a link to NHFree now on edbrown.org.

Regards to all,



Very nice website!  I will spread the word the best I can, thanks!


Thanks! Every little bit helps. We don't need money, we just need your time. I have a reseller hosting account on a canadian server, so the site does not cost me an extra penny.


If you'd like to bring that up again, I will be glad to tell you the truth about it privately, but I will not go into on a public forum any more. It only hurts the cause.


Quote from: error on February 07, 2007, 01:52 PM NHFT
So you're the guy who threatened Peace, eh?

LOL, so Peace is spreading this all over the place eh? Things that make a guy go hmmmmm...

Who would do that? A guy trying to help the cause or hurt it. I will let the reader decide. This is my last public comment on the situation.


You haven't made a first public comment on the situation here, as far as I have been able to see.


No, but I did try to defend my position on Ed's my space which is where Peace first started to air this out.

If you like the low down, email me at jim111@midtel.net




I'd love to hear your side of the story, if you have one beyond what you posted on Ed's myspace. But what you posted on your OWN myspace really doesn't look good for you. Exactly what are you trying to pull here? You can feel free to respond privately if you want. But since there are a LOT of people concerned about this issue, it also doesn't look good that you don't seem to want to address the issue up-front and publicly.


Do you honestly think it would do any good to address it up front and publicly? I honestly do not know, but if the consensus is to do that, I certainly will.

As for my own myspace, I just took that post down. I forgot about that. I never should have left it there. I put it there after Peace closed down our discussion by blocking me.

I have been advised by others working to support Ed that it is probably best to just let this issue die.

I just want to do what is right, that is all.



Quote from: Critter183 on February 07, 2007, 03:18 PM NHFT
Do you honestly think it would do any good to address it up front and publicly? I honestly do not know, but if the consensus is to do that, I certainly will.

As for my own myspace, I just took that post down. I forgot about that. I never should have left it there. I put it there after Peace closed down our discussion by blocking me.

Now I REALLY don't trust you. Trying to hide and disavow the things you've done is not the way to win friends and influence people.

Quote from: Critter183 on February 07, 2007, 03:18 PM NHFT
I have been advised by others working to support Ed that it is probably best to just let this issue die.

I just want to do what is right, that is all.

The issue should never have come up in the first place. But it has. And now it looks like you are hiding or covering up something. You may be perfectly in the right on this, but your actions are telling a different story. At this point I doubt this is going to die unless you come clean.


and I have no idea of either side.... :P


How is telling you exactly what I did and why I did it trying to hide what I did?

I don't get it.

OK, maybe I should have said that I should not have left it there, because, I was trying to do as suggested and let this die? Does that help?

I had a conversation with Peace on the telephone. He asked me for my number in the chatroom and I gave it to him. It was about trying to organize the dissemination of information, and I initiated the discussion in the chatroom, after I read that only 5 people turned out for a meeting at some pub. I read the comments on the Quest for fair Trial blog, demeaning Ed's efforts based on this 5 person turnout, and I came to the conclusion that information with times and dates of meetings and rallies just isn't getting out the way it should.

Anyway, because I have a fair amount of experience, verifiable, at mobilizing grassroots effort, I knew we needed to get a little more organized. I suggested to Peace that we form a yahoo group for important announcements, and get all the bloggers and website owners that are following this thing onto that yahoo group, and when something comes up like that meeting, Peace can simply make a post to the yahoo group and we all get it and post it on our sites.

Here's where it gets weird.

He started talking about him not being able to give me important information FIRST, that it would not be fair to all the other people involved in this, and that he doesn't have time to be giving me information FIRST, and why do I want the information FIRST?

I stopped him several times, flabergasted that he could be mistaking my remarks so badly. I said Anthony, I don't care if I get my email first last or in the middle, I just need info to put on Edbrown.org in a timely manner, and yahoo groups are very good for that. If you know a meeting is happening this time and day at this place, send it out to the group and you're done with it, we pick up the ball.

Again he started in in asking me why I wanted the information FIRST... and again I reiterated that I am not asking for the information first... just that information get out in a timely manner.

It dawned on me later that two distinct conversations were taking place. The one I was having with him, and the one he wanted Ed to think I was having with him, because Ed was probably standing right there.

He says I hung up on him eh? Does he say he hung up on me and then called me back? No.

He was deliberately trying to derail my efforts, by making Ed believe I was making suspicious demands. He almost accomplished his task. But now I am back on the case, with more determination than ever.

My history is verifiable. You go to the 2nd Amendment Sisters About Page and email the founder, Marinelle W. Thompson and the director, Lee Ann Tarducci and ask them about me. Lee Ann will remember me by my name, Jim Crispino, and my usual forum handle Critter or Critter183. Marinelle may not remember me by name but she wil remember Critter. They will tell you what I did as their webmaster back in 2000 when they were organizing against the Million Mom March. I have been involved in property rights issues, 2nd amendment issues, you name it, all over the internet.

I started the Checkpoint Nullification project some years ago, now defunct because of lack of interest by America. Go to any number of forums, Free Republic, Freedom4um, Liberty Post, AR-15.com, search for Critter or Critter183,  you'll find posts all the way back to 1998 when I got my first internet connection.

Wait, here are some links to threads from way back...

Working with Jeff Head on 50 Million Round March
2nd Amendment Sisters Are Born

Where is Peace's activist history?

Here is some guy that showed up out of nowhere, and now basically controls most of the internet communication from that house. And guess what we have to show for it? A MySpace page that you can't find unless you find the Ed Brown group and then look through member posts to find a picture of Ed and Elaine. I was offering my experience, my labor, my life, liberty and property to the cause, and he was derailing it in favor of an obscure MySpace page? And he was deliberately trying to make Ed distrust me in the process.

But what good does airing this all out do? Ed trusts him, I don't. I am just going to do whatever I can from out here to help.


Sorry for all the spelling errors in the last post. Anyway, on those two links I provided, the 50 million round march, there are just a couple of posts of mine. In the 2ASisters thread, my involvement begins at post 75. When The concept for their first website was discussed, and I hosted a quick site on a subdirectory of my business site. It eventually evolved into their own domain and server. I left the group after their rally in DC after some philisophical differences.

I thought they should use their momentum and keep going and they wanted to regroup. I didn't think regrouping was the best plan, simply because we had finally caught the attention of the mainstream and I thought we needed to keep the effort fresh in the main stream's memory. But I may be guilty of getting over enthusiastic at times.