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Protest eminent domain in Keene?

Started by Kat Kanning, February 10, 2007, 06:49 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

The city is trying to take former Senator Eaton's land via eminent domain for a roundabout.  Anyone up for protesting this outrage?

Lloyd Danforth

Former senator huh?.................This is a tough one!................ ;D

Kat Kanning

It doesn't really matter whose land is being stolen, does it?  :P


What better way to win friends and influence people? :)

Keene is a wee bit out of the way for me - I'm living in Los Angeles Annex East, otherwise known as Clark county, Nevada. :/ Besides, I'm more of a FSW kook! :D

Good luck, though. If you can nab a former senator over to our way of thinking, maybe he could be helpful later, knowing more of the ins-'n-outs as former senators tend to do...

Kat Kanning


Russell Kanning

Quote from: penguins4me on February 10, 2007, 07:25 AM NHFT
Good luck, though. If you can nab a former senator over to our way of thinking, maybe he could be helpful later, knowing more of the ins-'n-outs as former senators tend to do...
He will be of no use to us as a politician. Maybe he can join the nonviolent revolution down the road though. :)

Dave Ridley

I am up for it and may even schedule a demo myself.   Maybe I will give eaton a call first tho to make sure he has no objections.

Kat Kanning

OK, will wait until you've talked to him to schedule something.  He's welcome to write something about it for the Keene Free Press :)

Lloyd Danforth


Word has been buzzing about the FreeKeene crew on this... sounds like a good idea.

Dave Ridley

how about tentatively setting something for wed. the 21st around 3pm in front of city hall downtown?   that will give us time to get in touch with him, etc.   also folks who show up for that can just stay in town and go to the IRS  protest next day :)

Russell Kanning

well .... the spot could work well also.


There would be more pedestrian traffic at city hall...

Kat Kanning

Well, I can't do it on a Wednesday at 3, but we can schedule it for then if you like.  I can do it earlier on Wednesday or any other day of the week.