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Started by aworldnervelink, February 13, 2007, 08:33 PM NHFT

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Assertion: given human reaction time and the braking limitations of automobiles, it is impossible to avoid a collision when following the vehicle in front too closely (and something happens). Therefore, tailgating is equivalent to threatening assault.


Kat Kanning

I think it's really irritating, but threatening assult seems a little much.  Sorry, no philosophical treatise on the subject though.

Lloyd Danforth

Its less about braking time and more about reaction time.  You can only stop so fast.  I can claim super reaction abilities and, really good brakes, and, thus was just driving normal, for me, not aggressivly.


Quote from: aworldnervelink on February 13, 2007, 08:33 PM NHFT
Assertion: given human reaction time and the braking limitations of automobiles, it is impossible to avoid a collision when following the vehicle in front too closely (and something happens). Therefore, tailgating is equivalent to threatening assault.


Uh oh, did you have an accident??  :(


No, I'm just driving to work more often these days, and I'm extremely frustrated with people riding my ass. I was hoping to find some philosophical support for the idea that it is OK to shoot them.  ;)

Pat K

Shooting maybe a bit drastic, however if you can rig your
vehicle to put down an oil slick........

Lloyd Danforth

Too much collateral damage

Kat Kanning

I kinda like messing with those guys.  I take my foot off the gas until they back off or go around or have a coronary.  I'm perfectly happy to drive down the highway at 5mph.

Rosie the Riveter

Just pull over and let the crazies pass.  ::)


Quote from: aworldnervelink on February 14, 2007, 06:14 AM NHFT
No, I'm just driving to work more often these days, and I'm extremely frustrated with people riding my ass. I was hoping to find some philosophical support for the idea that it is OK to shoot them.  ;)

I always just give 'em a good flash of the brake lights, or even a little sudden semi-skid. They usually back right off!

Vote Tyler Stearns

As I'm driving, I put my foot on the brake to make the brake light light up in hopes of making them back off.  Fortunately, I'm not tailgated often because, unfortunately for those in front of me, I'm often the tailgater. 

As a reforming and recovering tailgater (in fact, I was recently pulled over by a cop for tailgating <blushing with embarrasment>), I can tell you that I never realized how impatient I was - always in a hurry - and I really didn't think I was a tailgater. 

I herewith apologize to everyone that I've ever tailgated and vow that I'm trying to break this horrible addiction...

Lloyd Danforth

We used to give tailgaters a 'brake test' that works during the day.  We would pull the light switch and hit the gas.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on February 14, 2007, 08:04 AM NHFT
Just pull over and let the crazies pass.  ::)

And miss out on messing with them??  :o

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 14, 2007, 08:42 AM NHFT
Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on February 14, 2007, 08:04 AM NHFT
Just pull over and let the crazies pass.  ::)

And miss out on messing with them??  :o

I figure I'm doing them a favor -- they must have somewhere very important to get to and fast  ;)  Maybe their wife is having a baby and their missing it.  :confused2:   :biglaugh:

Kat Kanning

Or maybe they're just assholes.  :P