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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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90% don't want a country any more

Started by lildog, February 16, 2007, 10:36 AM NHFT

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Quote"I already belong to a health club, a church, and the Kiwanis Club," Tammy Golden of Los Angeles wrote. "I'm a member of the Von's Grocery Super Savers, which gets me a discount on certain groceries. These are all well-managed organizations with real benefits. None of them send me a confusing bill once a year and make me work it out myself, then throw me in jail if I get it wrong."

Hah hah hah! :D



Russell Kanning

I am so disappointed. I thought it said "Country". I was hoping we could get rid of all that bad music.

....and they don't even send you a bill .... just threats down the road.