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Karma weirdness

Started by mvpel, February 18, 2007, 11:41 AM NHFT

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I noticed that the Karma score for CNHT dropped from somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 to about 90 now, within something like a day or two if I'm remembering correctly.

It seemed strange to me that there would be enough users logged in over the course of such a short period of time, such that nearly 100 of them would read CNHT's posts and all use their one-per-day smite on that one account.

Is there some sort of bug with the karma system, or is this forum more thickly populated with cranky people than I realized?


Hmm... definitely something screwy going on here. Thanks for the heads-up, mvpel.

From Google's cache, I see CNHT's karma was 152 on February 15th.



I *think* that certain people with certain powers can do karma in blocks of ten.......

Russell Kanning

I sometimes hit people for each good or bad post ....  I don't have to wait for a day to pass. :)

I haven't done anything good or bad for mvpl

Lloyd Danforth



Tom Sawyer

I bet it was voter fraud... union toughs from Mass.

Kat Kanning



Forum nazis can change the karma numbers to whatever excites them.

[attachment deleted by admin]


So was this a case of a petulant admin using karma superpowers to punish CNHT for challenging their perception of the NHfree.com heterodoxy on some issue, or a bug in the karma system?

Is my karma score 15 out of 631 posts because I advocated the use of military force to liberate the people of Iraq from a brutal tyrant, thereby offending someone with karma superpowers?



Quote from: mvpel on February 20, 2007, 09:31 AM NHFT
So was this a case of a petulant admin using karma superpowers to punish CNHT for challenging their perception of the NHfree.com heterodoxy on some issue

Wouldn't be the first time.


I think people (like myself) who aren't "true" Libertarians or Anarchists are frowned on.  I guess you'd call me a Conservative Libertarian if you had to use some label ( I just consider myself a Constitutionalist).  I'm anti-war but think a strong defensive military is necessary.  No use in having our troops overseas, but we should definitely have a military to help protect this country (i.e the whole "2nd Amendment" thing).

I use to complain about smiting, especially when I felt I was making valid points, but in the grand scheme of things it means nothing.  Probably 98% of the people here agree on most issues so who cares if there are a few issues we disagree on.  If we ever get to the Libertarian utopia, I will definitely not complain.  But we gotta get where I'd prefer to go before we get there - Once we reduce gov't, reduce taxes, more privacy, etc... then I'll let everyone else worry about "land-based economic rent" or "completely open borders with no exceptions".



As Mike said only a board op with a temper could have done that, in the space of a few minutes, knocking it down by 100 points.

It was probably over an anti-Hillary post.

There are people on here who really do prefer the unions and can't imagine they would ever do anything wrong.


I enjoy giving +karma to people, it makes me happy!  I don't smite anyone because I just feel like everyone is entitled to whatever they want to write or think.
I've been in disagreements on the board but I'm I'd rather write how I feel or defend myself than smite someone, my opinion of course, but I  think smiting brings negativity to a really great forum.

As far as Jane I'm always karmaing (word?) her, she's great, I think! :)