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Karma weirdness

Started by mvpel, February 18, 2007, 11:41 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: CNHT on February 21, 2007, 12:35 AM NHFT
As Mike said only a board op with a temper could have done that, in the space of a few minutes, knocking it down by 100 points.

It was probably over an anti-Hillary post.

There are people on here who really do prefer the unions and can't imagine they would ever do anything wrong.

No moderator on this forum fits that description.  You are, specifically accusing Russell & Kat.

Tom Sawyer

Well Russell used to drive a truck... damn Teamster. ;D

Vote Tyler Stearns

I agree with Rainey.  I karma when someone expresses something articulately that I agree with or that "educates" me.  Rarely smite.  I learn a lot on this board, but have to admit that some of the battles and beratements wear me out.  I guess I'd never make a good liberty warrior because I just can't take the fighting.  I'll just keep plodding along in my own behind-the-scenes low key way and leave the rest of you guys to the big battles!  ::)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 21, 2007, 07:15 AM NHFT
Well Russell used to drive a truck... damn Teamster. ;D
actually when I went into truck driving I specifically looked for a nonunion company .... and guess what .... there is not a single full-truck-load over-the-road union carrier. So every single truck you see out there hauling full truck loads is a non-union driver ... and very likely an owner operator. Let the free market roll.
The only guys left are places like yellow, roadway, CF (oops out of business), ABF, and UPS even in the LTL world the non-union guys are taking over Watkins, FedEx.


Quote from: raineyrocks on February 21, 2007, 06:59 AM NHFT
I enjoy giving +karma to people, it makes me happy!  I don't smite anyone because I just feel like everyone is entitled to whatever they want to write or think.
I've been in disagreements on the board but I'm I'd rather write how I feel or defend myself than smite someone, my opinion of course, but I  think smiting brings negativity to a really great forum.

As far as Jane I'm always karmaing (word?) her, she's great, I think! :)

Thanks Rainey! And I agree, I don't generally smite anyone. If they bother me that much, like Frank did, I just ignore them. I currently have no one on ignore.

The fact that you think everyone is entitled to whatever they want to write or think shows your maturity and yes, just having that in the system is not very libertarian but I guess some think it's fun.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 21, 2007, 07:29 AM NHFT
actually when I went into truck driving I specifically looked for a nonunion company .... and guess what .... there is not a single full-truck-load over-the-road union carrier. So every single truck you see out there hauling full truck loads is a non-union driver ... and very likely an owner operator. Let the free market roll.
The only guys left are places like yellow, roadway, CF (oops out of business), ABF, and UPS even in the LTL world the non-union guys are taking over Watkins, FedEx.

I guess in my experience I saw how unions forced people to pay them, then gave money to political candidates people did not like.

So this is why I am so against them. They are like a mini mafia.

They also brought lots of thugs up during the Benson campaign and challenged my veracity when I said I was a union member at one time and yet, was voting for Benson the libertarian. Of course the person pushing me and shouting me down was trucked in on the semi-trailer with the painted sides 'AFL-CIO"  from Mass....

I don't get the comment about 'busing', is that what Kat meant?


Quote from: KBCraig on February 20, 2007, 12:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on February 20, 2007, 09:31 AM NHFT
So was this a case of a petulant admin using karma superpowers to punish CNHT for challenging their perception of the NHfree.com heterodoxy on some issue

Wouldn't be the first time.

Nor the last, apparently. I hope you gave those 60 points to someone who needed them.


And trucking is probably THE most heavily regulated industry in the country. All the owner operators I've ever talked to complain incessantly about it.


Quote from: error on February 21, 2007, 01:55 PM NHFT
And trucking is probably THE most heavily regulated industry in the country. All the owner operators I've ever talked to complain incessantly about it.

It's funny how they don't want to talk about how subsidized they are, what with other people building the roads on which they operate. If they had to compete on the same terms as railroads, there wouldn't be a trucking industry.

Russell Kanning

fuel taxes my friend

ahhh all those railroads that paid for their land

once government gets its hands in everything ... it gets hard to do the math


The railroads were profitable when government wasn't involved in them.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 21, 2007, 02:48 PM NHFT
fuel taxes my friend

Fuel taxes don't come anywhere close to the cost of building and maintaining roadways just for the truck traffic.

Some railroads bought their land. Some received it for free (along with other land for development), when all land was "free" during westward expansion. Very few miles of trackage came from eminent domain (mostly in the East). Then they had to build road beds, bridges, lay track, buy the motive power and rolling stock to service the territory. Then for all that investment, they're rewarded with a hefty tax bill for the "improved industrial land" for every mile of track. Oh, and they get to pay fuel taxes, too.

Trucks and airlines have government-provided infrastructure waiting for them to use. They just have to provide the vehicles and obtain enough cargo/passengers to pay the bills.



Government provided the skies?

Rosie the Riveter


Question - if your property line extends all the way up (as that's my understanding of the Courts' opinion) then how can airplanes, helicopters etc... fly over your property line without paying you for it?