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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Tilting at Windmills 2007 (Kicking the Feds out of Keene)

Started by Russell Kanning, February 21, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

And the men of the movement were prone to singing "show tunes".  ;D

(Not that there is anything wrong with that)

Russell Kanning

The IRS video played well on the free minds tv show last night. We may have more curious onlookers or participants on the 31st.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 17, 2007, 10:56 AM NHFT
The IRS video played well on the free minds tv show last night. We may have more curious onlookers or participants on the 31st.

Excellent.  :)

What kind of questions did people ask?

Russell Kanning

will I take ss money when I am old
tax technicalities

guy reckognized me today in our neighborhood

Russell Kanning

Kat was thinking that we could have one or more people dressed up as IRS agents or Fed employees. They could have on masks like thieves .... sandwichboard signs that say

"Fed Employee
Just doin our job"

and on the back could be a list of "jobs" such as

We could have one of us in the torture hood and orange suit and have a fed employee holding us by a leash. That would be a nice visual for next weekend and tax collection day.


I was thinking I would come out in armor, so I'm gonna go out to the dollar store, and pick up some cheap stuff to turn into a Quick Quixote Qostume (har har), bowl for a hat, roasting pan as a breast plate, maybe see what else I can come up with.


Someone had better take lots of video footage for the rest of us!

Tom Sawyer

I'll be videotaping this event to include it in the longer format documentary called appropriately enough "Tilting at Windmills". This will feature footage of Russell and Kat Kanning's brave attempts to roll back the Leviathan. Including Russell's IRS arrest, prison protest, Federal Court protest, and music performed by our friend John.  :)

The more folks that can come out and have fun with us at these events the better the finished show will look. Remembering that the rest of the freedom movement will be interested in what is happening in NH. If we want others to come and join us in the Shire... we need to show them that this is where things are happening... they will have a good time and instead of feeling alone and outnumbered, where they are, they can be with compatriots.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: sandm000 on March 29, 2007, 09:17 AM NHFT
I was thinking I would come out in armor, so I'm gonna go out to the dollar store, and pick up some cheap stuff to turn into a Quick Quixote Qostume (har har), bowl for a hat, roasting pan as a breast plate, maybe see what else I can come up with.

That will be great... :)
Look forward to meeting you.

Russell Kanning

That is the fun with the quixote quostume .... it can never be too hokey looking since he just pieced his together also. :)

Russell Kanning

Kat has a thief mask and will be "just doin' her job" as an IRS employee.

I will be in my "detainee" outfit (a black hood and orange jumpsuit) ... no waterboarding ... or I will spill our secret plans to take out the feds.

Lauren already has one good metal helmet made. :)

The weather should be nice.

Russell Kanning


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 29, 2007, 10:54 AM NHFT
I'll be videotaping this event to include it in the longer format documentary called appropriately enough "Tilting at Windmills". This will feature footage of Russell and Kat Kanning's brave attempts to roll back the Leviathan. Including Russell's IRS arrest, prison protest, Federal Court protest, and music performed by our friend John.  :)

My batteries are charged, and I'll be taping as well.  I'll be happy to turn my tape over to whomever would like it, be it Roger or FMTV, as I have zero time for editing.


Also, I shoot letterboxed 16x9 NOT anamorphic 16x9.  If you would like my footage and would prefer I use 4x3, please let me know.