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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Tilting at Windmills 2007 (Kicking the Feds out of Keene)

Started by Russell Kanning, February 21, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT

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Most editing software will let you downgrade the aspect ratio so always better shoot the highest quality footage and then change it later.

Russell Kanning

That will be good. We can never have too many recording an event. I will be "participating" (inside hood) too much to write down anything or take pictures.

Russell Kanning

I might be tied up for a while during the event. Maybe we will also have to tie the amazing william to the park bench a few times and watch him escape. :) I can have william tie me up in the jumpsuit.
Caleb has a Sancho outfit now and small guy armor from the costume shop. :)

Tom Sawyer

Russell Kanning


If anyone is arrested at this event, should the demonstration stay at the Fedbuilding or move to the prison in which the detainee(s) is(are) held?


If things move, is there a way to let folks know?  Or, am I over thinking this?

I hope to make it out.  There is a 50/50 chance ::).


Why would anyone get arrested? More to the point, who's going to complain to Homeland Security?


Quote from: error on March 30, 2007, 08:34 PM NHFT
Why would anyone get arrested?

Pressure from "above?"
The fedspunks can "stand back" out-of-site (it'll be Saturday don't you know) while (at the same time) pressuring local "law" enforcement officers to "find what-ever you can."
SOME locals are - I meen MAY BE - twisted enough to think that suggestions from the evil Feds are "orders."  If the locals cops are twisted enough to think that the FEDS have any real issue here, they may be just twisted enough to be "JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS."

Smoke and mirrors - don't you know.


On the other hand: the Keene PD seems (in my very limited experience) to be as respectful of the right to Free Speech as is the Concord PD.



I think if people have been protesting in front of the federal building for THIS long, that the cops aren't going to pick this Saturday to suddenly start cracking down on free speech.

I can see Homeland Security sending someone out to watch from a discreet (but obvious if you know how to look) location, though. They like to do that sort of thing.


I tried to bang a $1 store bowl into a helmet, but it didn't quite work as I had planned, but I'll bring it along anyway, along with a foam saber, a shiny $1 store breast plate, and some chainmail, cause what would a delusional warrior wear to fight .45s? Chainmail of course!
Also I will bring my wife and son.
This is going to be great!

Russell Kanning

Don Quixote imagery seems particularly appropriate for us. Most of us are libertarian bookworms who through much reading have turned mad. Praxologists with chainmail. :)