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Tilting at Windmills 2007 (Kicking the Feds out of Keene)

Started by Russell Kanning, February 21, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT

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Quote from: sandm000 on March 30, 2007, 10:34 PM NHFT
I tried to bang a $1 store bowl into a helmet, but it didn't quite work as I had planned, but I'll bring it along anyway, along with a foam saber, a shiny $1 store breast plate, and some chainmail, cause what would a delusional warrior wear to fight .45s? Chainmail of course!
Also I will bring my wife and son.
This is going to be great!



Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 31, 2007, 05:57 AM NHFT. . . imagery . . .

To me, it seems to work! . . . AND IT"S KIND OF FUN!

There is no way that either of the demonstrations (down at the circle) had people who were having as much fun as we.  (I joined one of those groups (and held a sign) for a short time - prior to our ANTI-IRS demonstration.)
Neither can I imagine, that they all (well 50%+) went and had a nice cook out together, listen to some nice tunes, and shared a movie well into the early evening. . .


Quote from: Puke on March 31, 2007, 08:02 PM NHFT
I didn't attend because I forgot.  :blush:
But I did take this picture around 2:00pm when I realized what all the honking horns were about.

Large picture.

Based on that shot, I HAVE TO! ASK if you are the guy who was dressed in (almost all) black  :glasses7: (including black gloves, on a comparatively warm day) who walked by - and turned left at the corner.  MIGHT that have been you?

Did you walk by?  Could that have been you?  PLEASE DO TELL!

Or, maybe it was one of your neighbors - who then turned/walked left into the driveway?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 31, 2007, 08:58 AM NHFT
If anyone asks today, we're telling them that William is in charge.

I didn't see these posts earlier today; but if anyone asks tomorrow, I'll tell them that I always (well almost always  ;D) take my orders from William.  8)


I forgive this man for his threats against me (and my friends) . . .

In fact: I forgave him on the spot! - Even as he shook his fist (and that metal cane) at me (as he was also doing to others) and I moved (hopefully in a completely non-threatening way) towards him and I told him that he has every right to Free Speech as I got between him and some others until I was right next to him - as in, well, quite within his striking distance - . . .

He knows not . . . and I feel so sorry for him.

I give him credit for speaking his mind and not crossing (too far) over the line.  I am not a complete pacifist.


It's *possible*, however unlikely, that the gentleman with the cane had consumed alcohol in massive quantities prior to his encounter with us.  :) He seemed to have trouble speaking his words and maintaining his balance.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on March 31, 2007, 09:16 PM NHFT
great job guys.   john called in and reported on this to free talk live tonight

Yup, the whole point of the call was that all is well (and fun) if folks want to join us here in NH for some FUN demonstrating in their new Home.


Quote from: Caleb on March 31, 2007, 11:33 PM NHFT
It's *possible*, however unlikely, that the gentleman with the cane had consumed alcohol in massive quantities prior to his encounter with us.  :) He seemed to have trouble speaking his words and maintaining his balance.

I don't know what caused him to behave as he did.  I assume that he may be someone who is very unhappy to begin with.
There was a very "visual art" demonstration on the corner which could have touched "buttons."  Isn't that what the "visuals" are supposed to do?

It CLEARLY touched many folks who were presumably more stable than he.

While he was clearly intending to be threatening/intimidating, I am not so sure he could handle himself at all (and he was clearly quite afraid of this) - even against any semi-pacifist.  Nor is there any evidence that he actually intended any actual physical harm against anyone there.

His beliefs were threatened.  All he seems to know is threats of force.  He might think that that works - but he did NOT cross the line..

Kat Kanning

I didn't smell any alcohol, and I was close enough. 

Russell Kanning

We did not push the Feds out of Keene yesterday, but we did face them down and didn't give an inch. I am proud of our troops.

Russell Kanning

Thank you Brian and Jen for making the trip from Manchestahh in your chainmail.
Thank you John for making the even longer trip from Salem with your flags and guitar.
Thank you William for your leadership on the field of battle. He never wavered or second guessed a decision. His vision was clear despite the eyepatch.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 01, 2007, 06:06 AM NHFT
Here's the article I did about the pro-war guy:


Nice article Kat... :)

And even more credit for handling a difficult, and potentially dangerous situation bravely and peacefully.

PS Thanks to the Federal Officer for doing his job of keeping the peace... even if it might have been technically just outside his jurisdiction. :)