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Dave's OK!

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 31, 2005, 10:52 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Actually I still think that WY would have been a better choice...but the whole point was for all of us to go to the same place....and noone is moving to WY or MT.....Boston T. Party can't even move to WY all the way from CO ::)


You know Russell on paper your might very be right, but hey once I got to know some of the NH folks knew that the paper was sh..!  Cast my lot with the locals, even before you got here, because just became certain regardless to what the stats say the folks were the ones to get it done.  The local folks who have plugged into what we are doing, and joined our effort makes me feel that my decision to support NH way back when was the right one.

Hey partner, just know at this point I think of myself as just another one of the NH folks hoping for of the FSP folks continue to join us, and help us make NH more free. :)


We" just" live here.

I'd be happier if more came home.
No biggie.  Maybe it's just better  . . .


We live here.



Ok...first not sure how this damn thread changed from Lloyd's pissed to Dave's pissed, but since I got it I'm using it! ;D

I'm pissed again! ;D  Took this damn test that Joe, our buddy from Colorado put up on the FSP forum.  His idea I guess was to target market to those who are like us.  Sounds good, hey! :)  So sweet jesus...I take the test and find out I'm like ESFP, no presidents or any other important folks are ESFP. Shit, wanted to be President or Dictator or something so bad! :( Furthermore not one single person who has signed on to his pole is like me! >:(  I am totally alone with you people! >:D

Hey not me, but the damn thingy  says? ::)

Entertainer...Radiates attractive warmth and optimism...( hey maybe some of that but hey you guys have seen me attractive? ???, certainly Margot, but certainly not me. :)) Smooth, witty, charming, clever. ( I'll take that whether I deserve it or not. :))  Fun to be with.  ( well I like Russell)  Very generous???  ( hell I don't have a pot to pee in ;D)  8.5% of the population.  ( hot dog, I am finally a minority) ;D

More sh..!

Extrovert 79.41% Introvert 20.59%
Sensing 61.36% Intuative 38.64%
Feeling 84.36% Thinking 15.63%
Processing 72.14% Judging 22.86%

Ok so there you have it, I'm an odd ball, but hey you're stuck with me, cause I'm not leaving! ;D

Important note for you brains ^-^...I feel more than I think! ;D

Yo moderators...what is an anz...just used it cause it was there? :D

Lloyd Danforth

I'm a Global Moderator and I don't know what Anz is.  You're going to have to work on that introvert thing if Dover is to become the home of introvert Porcs.


Thank you most kind Global Moderator, your most royal highness! 8)

Expect I will do my best to accumulate the introverts of the world in
Dover! ;)  Then all the quiet folks of the world will unite to save the
world for freedom! ;D


Ok not a major pissed, but rather a little one. :-\  Why is Kat red, and Lloyd blue? ???

Kat Kanning

Lloyd and AlanM got made global moderators on account of being old farts.  If you want to join the old fart brigade, just say so!  ;)  (That's why they're blue.)

I'm red because I'm the system admin.


Quote from: katdillon on May 05, 2005, 05:07 PM NHFT
Lloyd and AlanM got made global moderators on account of being old farts.? If you want to join the old fart brigade, just say so!? ;)? (That's why they're blue.)

I'm red because I'm the system admin.

Now I'm major pissed. AN OLD FART? Humph! Young whipper-snapper.


In that case, I am an old fart. Make me with blue stars!

JP >:D >:D >:D

Kat Kanning

I don't think JP's old enough to fart, much less being an old fart.

Lloyd Danforth

Ya, best he could do is a make a bubble in the umbilical cord ;)


Quote from: katdillon on May 05, 2005, 05:07 PM NHFT
Lloyd and AlanM got made global moderators on account of being old farts.? If you want to join the old fart brigade, just say so!? ;)? (That's why they're blue.)

I'm red because I'm the system admin.

Thanks Kat.  Thinking two old farts is enough in the control booth! ;)

Kat Kanning