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Luddite Lloyd

Started by Lloyd Danforth, March 03, 2007, 08:37 AM NHFT

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Nicholas Gilman

   As yamnuska posted, you can burn a podcast onto an audio CD, thats what I do.
The issue is learning how to do it initially.  Once you learn the procedure, it should
only take a few minutes to transfer to disc.  After I've listened to the disc, I pass
it on to friends, which is a good way to let others audit shows like FTL.

Rosie the Riveter

I hadn't thought of that -- Great idea! I'll put that on my to do list!!

To Do List --
Open new day school
Cook Dinner
Reform education system
Burn FTL CDs for friends


Lloyd Danforth

The ipod didn't come with much in the way of instructions.  When I go to itunes there is always a create 'burn disc' button on the bottom right.  What is not clear is how to export stuf into the ipod and, then get it out of the ipod when done with it.
I don't have a CD player other than PC & Laptop.
Royce, as I find some of my customers and helpers don't have the same taste in talk radio I do I always use a personal devise.  My older radio had a speaker, but, couldn't take the 20 foot fall. Radioshack tricked me into buying one without a speaker so I run the buds thru my shirt and out the back of my collar.


Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on March 10, 2007, 12:16 PM NHFT
I hadn't thought of that -- Great idea! I'll put that on my to do list!!

To Do List --
Open new day school
Cook Dinner
Reform education system
Burn FTL CDs for friends


I need to know more about this day school. I have three students for you. Will gladly either work in any capacity at said school, or continue working for my p.i.t.a. clients to pay for tuition. (I'm not so sure about my abilities to be a homeschool mom.)

And, would there be a technology class for Lloyd to attend?

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 10, 2007, 12:35 PM NHFT
The ipod didn't come with much in the way of instructions.  When I go to itunes there is always a create 'burn disc' button on the bottom right.  What is not clear is how to export stuf into the ipod and, then get it out of the ipod when done with it.
I don't have a CD player other than PC & Laptop.
Royce, as I find some of my customers and helpers don't have the same taste in talk radio I do I always use a personal devise.  My older radio had a speaker, but, couldn't take the 20 foot fall. Radioshack tricked me into buying one without a speaker so I run the buds thru my shirt and out the back of my collar.

If you have itunes on your 'puter -- use the cord to plug the ipod into a usb port and itunes/your 'puter will find it and ask you what you want to do --

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: mappchik on March 10, 2007, 01:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on March 10, 2007, 12:16 PM NHFT
I hadn't thought of that -- Great idea! I'll put that on my to do list!!

To Do List --
Open new day school
Cook Dinner
Reform education system
Burn FTL CDs for friends


I need to know more about this day school. I have three students for you. Will gladly either work in any capacity at said school, or continue working for my p.i.t.a. clients to pay for tuition. (I'm not so sure about my abilities to be a homeschool mom.)

And, would there be a technology class for Lloyd to attend?

I'll pm you tonigh after my kids are in bed and tell you all about our plans. Lloyd exceeds the age requirements  ;D

Russell Kanning

Quote from: yamnuska on March 09, 2007, 06:33 PM NHFT
  If you don't want an MP3 player and just want to listen to FTL you could also burn it onto a CD and pop it in your player in your car.
luddites don't have cd players in their cars :)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 10, 2007, 07:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: yamnuska on March 09, 2007, 06:33 PM NHFT
  If you don't want an MP3 player and just want to listen to FTL you could also burn it onto a CD and pop it in your player in your car.
luddites don't have cd players in their cars :)

Let me guess, an 8-track!

Lloyd Danforth

Cassette in the '91 sedan.  Original am/fm in the '91 truck.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 10, 2007, 07:17 PM NHFT
Cassette in the '91 sedan.  Original am/fm in the '91 truck.

Oh, you got one of those newfangled FM radios!

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: error on March 10, 2007, 07:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 10, 2007, 07:17 PM NHFT
Cassette in the '91 sedan.  Original am/fm in the '91 truck.

Oh, you got one of those newfangled FM radios!

Yup!  Fancy Modulation!


'gratz on the iPod.  You now have an FTL playing device superior to even Ian's.  b)

Get a fancy FM transmitter for your iPod if you ever expect to share an ep with passengers.  I've recuited a few listeners that way. 

Some transmitters work really well, some don't.  So beg and borrow the salesguy wherever you buy gizmos to let you experiment before final purchase.

BTW: I was going to recommend a Creative Nomad.  It's a USB thumbdrive with a headphone port.  Nothing could be simpler: plug it into a USB port and drag and drop links right off the webpage into the Nomad's 'window'.

Lloyd Danforth

OK....getting a little tired of this.   Somehow I got FTL 3/20 into my ipod. Today I click on FTL, 'download podcast by the hour.  When the itnes FTL page comes up I can see 3/20 in there, but, not 3/21 or any clear way to download(upload?) anything.
The itune thing and to a lesser extent my ipod has crap in them that I would never listen too.  The stuff I have captured on purpose, I have no idea how I got it in there!  Why is this shit so dfficult?
Why isn't there simply a button on FTL's webpage that says: download(upload?) FTL 3/21to itunes and one in itunes that says: Download FTL 3/21 to ipod?


That's why I like my drag and drop nomad, I "drag" the files right off the amponly forum page.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 22, 2007, 10:06 AM NHFT
OK....getting a little tired of this.   Somehow I got FTL 3/20 into my ipod. Today I click on FTL, 'download podcast by the hour.  When the itnes FTL page comes up I can see 3/20 in there, but, not 3/21 or any clear way to download(upload?) anything.
The itune thing and to a lesser extent my ipod has crap in them that I would never listen too.  The stuff I have captured on purpose, I have no idea how I got it in there!  Why is this shit so dfficult?
Why isn't there simply a button on FTL's webpage that says: download(upload?) FTL 3/21to itunes and one in itunes that says: Download FTL 3/21 to ipod?

Apple made it difficult on purpose. But really it isn't too hard once you get the hang of it.

Try this:

1. Click the "iTunes" button on the FTL homepage.
2. iTunes will pop up and show the FTL podcast inside the iTunes window.
3. Click the "SUBSCRIBE" button.
4. To get your FTL every day, just plug in your iPod and start up iTunes, it takes care of everything.

(When it works that is. Every so often iTunes delays a show for several hours or a day. Nobody knows why.)