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Banner ads on the NHfree forum?

Started by Friday, March 14, 2007, 07:08 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Quote from: coffeeseven on March 18, 2007, 07:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 18, 2007, 07:29 AM NHFT
This has been covered in other topics.  Its for revenue.  Takin money from the man to run the Revolution ;D

Sorry, didn't know it had already been covered.

One man's dung heap is another man's fire fuel I guess.

How exactly does revenue from these banners "run the Revolution"?

Kat and Russell have done a lot of work making the forum, this place we gather. I am happy they can make some money from the goggle ads. Maybe at some point freedom folks can run ads on the forum instead of the random ads google runs. Until then I'll click and cost McCain or Hillary some money. :)

Russell Kanning

I am pretty happy with the ads. I wouldn't mind dumping all political talk ... especially presidential .... and then those sorts of ads will not appear. :)

We will accept pro-liberty ads from members and the like and can replace the bottom adspace. :)


I just wish they were centered. I like things to be centered :)

Russell Kanning

they are left leaning or leftist or left wing


Oh, it's even become more nauseating as I just saw the wicked witch from arkansas!


Why wouldn't it be better for us to throw advertising money at the KFP? Much cleaner.


Quote from: powerchuter on March 19, 2007, 09:50 PM NHFT
Oh, it's even become more nauseating as I just saw the wicked witch from Chicago/arkansas/New York!

Fixed it.  :)



Welcome to my world.

That's indeed the company that many, if not all, banks, etc., turn to in order to "verify" your identity, as written on the goddamned piece of paper titled the Unpatriotic Act.

Tom Sawyer

QuoteChoicePoint and Bridger Insight are the industry leaders in OFAC, Bank Secrecy Act and USA PATRIOT Act compliance solutions... The tools they offer should be an integral part of any organization's anti-terrorism and money laundering compliance program.

Viet Dinh
Co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act and former Assistant Attorney General


I have gotten so good at ignoring adds (radio, TV, and Internet) that I generally don't even notice them.  But, here where I am not YET used to ignoring them, some of these faces like H.C. & J.M. are so offensive that they remind me on the way by how much they SUCK!

In the long run, they'll  just be reminders for me that I need to get better at ignoring:

"They sell us the president the same way they sell us our soap and our cars.
They sell us everything from youth to religion the same way they sell us our wars."
- Jackson Brown


Quote from: coffeeseven on March 19, 2007, 10:19 PM NHFT
Why wouldn't it be better for us to throw advertising money at the KFP? Much cleaner.

Perhaps we could inquire how much they would need to quit the banner ads?
I have no idea how "lucrative" they are...

I would rather pay some out of my own pocket than to help promote most of these ads and their subject matter!



OOh OOH OOH, I want one of those patriotic acting compliance thingies.  Then I can place it beside the burial site of the constitution. 
To be honest, I don't like the AMP type programs, or most donation type things.  The google ads, which I originally did not like, and still don't, are a form of specialization of labor.  The ad department.  The neocons and the liberals make massive profits off gov't bloodmoney.  We are no more capable of unending altruism then they are.  Finding a way to earn income, and benefiting from greater liberty is the surest way to create permanent vested interests that will perpetuate liberty for the long haul.  The neocons and liberals use money they received from gov't to grow gov't, we would be wise to use money to further liberty, then expand into the inevitable areas that it opens up into.
That's my $0.02