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Banner ads on the NHfree forum?

Started by Friday, March 14, 2007, 07:08 AM NHFT

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Recumbent ReCycler

? JM said "..my agenda for common sense conservatism" on his website after I clicked on the banner and panned over one of the images on his page.  WTF is "common sense conservatism"?  Is it kind of like neoconservatism or "compassionate conservatism"?  The ads don't bother me any.  A while back I tried similar ads from go ogle on my blog, and it seemed to be quite profitable according to the updates I was getting, but before I could get any money from it, they emailed me that they suspected that a policy violation occurred so they closed my account and I didn't get any of the money that I was expecting, so I eliminated all of their ads from my blog.  I think it was what they called "false clicks" or something like that when someone uses the back button to go back to the first page that they were directed to when they clicked on the ad or when they clicked on an ad more than once.  The other day there was an ad for precast concrete buildings that looked pretty neat.  I checked it out, and if I ever do get my own property, I may buy one of those.  I think most ads generate 50 cents to $1 per click, but you don't want to click on the same ad more than once because if one person clicks on an ad more than once, they will most likely only be paid for one click.


Yes, and you can get banned if you click on your own ads, which it seems you may well have done.


An advertisement banner came up on this forum saying in part "buy government seized automobiles and foreclosed houses at a deep discount" I consider this kind of advertising offensive and disgusting. I for one would never buy anything that is offered for sale and advertised as foreclosed or seized. The government scumbags and Shylock banker pieces of shit depend on someone buying all the booty that they plunder. I say to them, take all your plundered booty and shove it up your worthless filthy ass. FUCK YOU



I don't think you'll find an argument against what you said, though


I asked about the advertising a few days ago, because I saw an advertiser from the area I was connecting from, not (incidentally) my home.  Anyway, it was a local pub 1000 miles from NH. 

The advertising is from Google, so it looks at the IP and MAC addresses that you are connecting from, the nature of what Google has figured out about the forum from its bots, and decides what ads to show you. 

I was tickled when McCain and Hillary ads started showing up.


Like the one I saw on the latest Ed and Elaine Brown page: buy a web page to memorialize a loved one. >:(


Perhaps Google's ads are put into a rotation with ads explicitly placed by the server admins, but I've never seen ads from Google on forum.soulawakenings.com. O.o Where are they showing up for you? Hm, maybe near the "spelling cow"?

Quote from: erichThe advertising is from Google, so it looks at the IP and MAC addresses that you are connecting from, the nature of what Google has figured out about the forum from its bots, and decides what ads to show you.
IP address, yes. MAC address, no.


As I read this, the top ad promoted blatant racism: "Are you an Indian looking for an Indian match?" What about the Sikhs or Pakistanis? They need love too! ;)

But the bottom ad for was Fife & Drum Window Washing service... I like seeing the NH-specific ads.  8)

I'll click the occasional top (Google) ad, even if I don't care about the product, just to produce revenue for the forum. I hesitate to click the bottom ads, because I don't want to cost the advertisers money if they're on a "per click" basis.



There are ads at the top?

Russell Kanning

The ads on the bottom are advertisers who give money to the Keene Free Press or this website directly. They are chosen partially to match the interests of the forum participants. They do not pay on a per click basis. They are run for the month .... or longer. :)


Wait until Google's code starts throwing up ads for the IRS.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on April 02, 2007, 09:33 AM NHFT
The ads on the bottom are advertisers who give money to the Keene Free Press or this website directly. They are chosen partially to match the interests of the forum participants. They do not pay on a per click basis. They are run for the month .... or longer. :)

in other words... click but more importantly shop at the ones on the bottom.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: error on April 02, 2007, 11:02 AM NHFT
Wait until Google's code starts throwing up ads for the IRS.
We already get ads for tax prep stuff .... since we talk about the irs and taxes so much.


Quote from: John on March 20, 2007, 08:45 AM NHFT
I have gotten so good at ignoring adds (radio, TV, and Internet) that I generally don't even notice them.  But, here where I am not YET used to ignoring them, . . .

Someone posted (on all the doors to this condo building) an add/flyer for a band playing over at Sayde's on Saturday.  I'm thinking I'll be going out this weekend. 8)
Some ads are good. ;D