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Front Sight Banner Ad...Now there is one I can support!

Started by powerchuter, March 20, 2007, 09:43 AM NHFT

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And I have...and do...
I'm a life member of the Front Sight Family!

I've never had time to actually visit their facility but Wes Bertrand has and I'm sure would be willing to share his experience with you...

I know Michael Badnarik is a life member as well...

Nicholas Gilman


Oops!  Thanks for the link...  I should have included that...lol.


When I lived in Vegas I was checking into Front Site.  I went out to visit the facility.  Many ranges, little comfort.  No running water, little shade, porta-potties for restrooms.
But hey, most customers probably want to get that boot camp type experience.

Whatever you do, don't go in the summer.


One of the plans early on for Front Sight was purported to be a shooting community, complete with residential houses, etc. It appears that that aspect is unlikely to ever be accomplished at this point. (Class-action lawsuit against FS)

I'd meant to check out their shooting facilities and training myself, but after doing a bit of research into them (and their allegedly questionable business practices and higher-ups' alleged associations), I don't want to give them any information about myself, nor support them financially.


I'm not making a judgment call either way with regards to the allegations against Front Sight.  I do know that they have produced some good DVDs and television programs(currently airing) so I feel my money was very well spent!  Any activities that promote arms as an indispensable freedom tool are good by me!