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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Lloyd Danforth, January 06, 2005, 08:42 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

/agree totally

What we going to do about it?  Protests?  LTEs?  Hissy fit?

Lloyd Danforth

You wern't here to see my hissy fit.  Lte's from you NH citizens for sure. Perhaps demonstrations at the courthouse when/if this goes to trial. Perhaps a general  'informational' demonstration about privite property rights in front of the apropriate bureaucracy.

Michael Fisher

Planning and zoning is a blatant confiscation of private property.

This is how we can defeat it:



Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on January 06, 2005, 09:08 AM NHFT
You wern't here to see my hissy fit.  Lte's from you NH citizens for sure. Perhaps demonstrations at the courthouse when/if this goes to trial. Perhaps a general  'informational' demonstration about privite property rights in front of the apropriate bureaucracy.

"Schultz is scheduled to face Burbank and Woodward at 10 a.m. on Jan. 25 in Rockingham Superior Court."

I am announcing that there is to be a demonstration at Rockingham Superior Court on January 25, 2005 at 9:30 AM. Please come with anti-zoning signs and signs of support for the Burbank-Woodward Family!



I'll be there!!! This is so repulsive!! People aren't allowed to look after their families anymore. IT's BS.

Kat Kanning

Ok, set up a page to point people to.  I'll start getting the word out that we need people there for this.


Kat Kanning

I've added some contact info for the seacoast papers on that page.

Lloyd Danforth

I posted the link to the Seacoast Yahoo thingy.


I just added this press release to the wiki page:

NH Residents Announce Anti-Zoning Demonstration on January 25, 2005

Liberty Tree Society
For Immediate Release

For additional information
James C. Perry
Phone: (603)-891-1934
E-mail: jimcperry@gmail.com

The Liberty Tree Society, a group of New Hampshire citizens, announced today that they will hold an anti-zoning demonstration in front of Rockingham County Superior Court at 9:30 AM on January 25, 2005.

This demonstration is being organized to show support for Barbara Burbank and Myrtle Woodward, both of Hampton, NH, who are being sued by the Hampton, NH Building Inspector, Kevin Schultz for Zoning Violations.

This suit, filed Dec. 13 in Rockingham County Superior Court, asks a judge to order the women to demolish everything not approved by the town, prohibit further construction, and pay the town?s costs and attorney?s fees.

In a statement made by Burbank in a local newspaper, she explained why she wanted to build a separate apartment, saying "My aunt will be 96 in February, and she loves this old house. I promised not to put her in a nursing home, and my daughter lives here, too, but is allergic to my aunt?s long-haired cats, now I have to spend the money to fight them. I have no choice."

We are asking for all pro-freedom, pro-liberty residents of the State of New Hampshire and in all other New England States to come out to Rockingham County Superior Court on January 25, 2005 at 9:30 AM to show your support to Burbank and Woodward and to protest our government?s use of authority to break up families and destroy private property rights.

For more information contact Jim C. Perry of the Liberty Tree Society at 603-891-1934 or by email at jimcperry@gmail.com.



All I can say is this: You are all really wonderful, beautiful people and I am very proud to be a friend to you all. When we want to show the world something... we don;t just sit and talk about it... WE DO IT, WE BECOME IT.

Just wanted to say thanks for being you. (To all of you.)


Kat Kanning

"City of Rockingham wants to throw 96 year old woman out of her home in wintertime"

How's that for a headline?


Quote from: katdillon on January 06, 2005, 12:06 PM NHFT
"City of Rockingham wants to throw 96 year old woman out of her home in wintertime"

How's that for a headline?

It's the town of Hampton doing it, but nice headline.



I just received a call from Elizabeth Dinan, the reporter who wrote up the article about these folks in Hampton.

She seems very sympathetic to their plight and is going to try run a story on our protest in tomorrow's paper, if not, then Saturday's paper.


Michael Fisher

9:30am, Jan 25, Rockingham County Superior Court.  It's on my calendar!