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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Feline Tax Resistance

Started by Friday, March 20, 2007, 06:58 PM NHFT

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Looks like I may have to become a tax resister after all... My cat ate my W2.

I am not making this up.

:evil4: :cat:  :dontknow: :glasses7:

Tom Sawyer

Pat McCotter

W2's are not cat toys! You should not have been teasing the cat with it. ;D

Jim Johnson

My cat, Ivan, ate my work w-2 the year before last, the insurance company w-2 last year and one of the cease and desist orders from the building inspector this year.  Cats, what do you do?  Ya got to love'm.   ;D


That's interesting.  Perhaps it's more than coincidence that dealing with libertarians is often referred to as "herding cats".  Cats: the original anti-authoritarians.

My cat has an "amusing" new game where she starts slapping me in the face in the middle of the night. So I get out of bed to pick her up and throw her out of the room, she makes me chase her around for a bit, and then she plops herself down in the nice warm spot in the bed that was recently vacated by my carcass, looking coy and purring loudly.  Then I throw whatever piece of clothing is handy over her (to block the fangs and claws), pick her up, and toss her unceremoniously out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind her fuzzy butt.  We've been through this enough times now that she must know what the end result is going to be.  it's time to draw the logical conclusion: she's evil.  Cute... but evil.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Friday on March 20, 2007, 06:58 PM NHFT
Looks like I may have to become a tax resister after all... My cat ate my W2.

LOL...good kitty!

Lloyd Danforth

Sandy, You need another Cat to entertain the one you have now.  A particularly, horny and prolific female Siamese once owned my parents.  When they could borrow a friend's male Siamese, before she got outside and mixed with the  'hoy-poloy', they 'raised'  Siamese Cats.
They gave them away.  Often, they would come back!  One, rather incorrigible male 'Devil' (go figure), came back twice!  He turned out to be the exception, but, my mother discovered that in pairs the Siamese entertained each other with cat stuff, and did not bug the 'Pinkies'.   Sort of the opposite of 'Lady and the Tramp'.  When she gave them away in pairs, they didn't come back.


The night before my wedding I stayed at my parent's house for the first time in several years. My younger brother had taken over my room, so I slept in the hide-a-bed couch in the living room.

My parent's siamese cat at the time absolutely loved batting around marbles. Turns out dozens of them were under the couch and revealed to Ming the Merciless. He proceeded to keep me awake all night to the sound of rolling marbles. I got up at least 5 times and removed all the marbles I could find, but he always found another.

The rest of the day could be started on a "bad wedding day/good marriage" thread if anyone is interested.


PSA: All and sundry tax forms timely and properly (round)filed pose greatly reduced risks to kitties.

(Nice cat thread! :D )

Russell Kanning

I would take it as a sign .... or good advice from your closest companion. :)

You could call the IRS and ask them what to do ..... you will get 4 different answers.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on March 21, 2007, 10:01 AM NHFT
I would take it as a sign .... or good advice from your closest companion. :)

You could call the IRS and ask them what to do ..... you will get 4 different answers.

;D ;D


Looking for an old thread, I ran across this one.  I think I mentioned this already, but my black cat Ezme ate my W2 *two years in a row*.

A couple of days ago, I had a ton of papers spread all over the floor, because I was going through them and getting rid of old crap. (Notice how I put that sentence in the past tense, giving the false impression that the papers are not still all over the floor?  :P ) Tommy the Cat went to town on one particular piece of paper and shredded the bejeezus out of it.  Later, I noticed it was an old issue of the SF Weekly (left-wing free weekly distributed in San Francisco) with a cover story about a local activist for the Sendero Luminoso (violent Peruvian Maoist guerrillas).  I can't tell if he's anti-U.S. government, but he sure seems to have something against commies.

Jim Johnson

Ivan ate my W-2 again this year.   ;D

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

They should be breeding these 'very special' cats